How long can I safely fast?

How long can I safely fast?

I’m a 160 pound 5’10 male. I gained 10 pounds recently from binge eating several days in a row and would like to lose those 10 pounds.

If I don’t have access to supplements but am taking 20mg of adderall daily, how long can I safely fast?

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You're gonna ruin your lean muscle mass, just eat a lot of protein, keep working out, and lose a pound or so per week.

Trying to rush it will just fuck you up even worse.

Why are you taking adderall?

If it’s for ADD/ADHD (specify which one), can you describe how you feel with and without it? How is studying, how is making conversation, etc.

I have ADHD and really don’t feel any different with or without it.

Wdym? It’s not helping? Can you describe those things still? I have ADD and I wonder if it will help me. I’ve used it a few times and I was actually able to just sit down and study without randomly catching myself in the other room away from my books for a change

Do a 7-day snake juice fast, after consulting your drug-dealing doctor first, of course.

What if I don’t have snake juice?

How do you not have salt?


I have table salt

You need potassium too

Ok I’m wondering how long I can go without it though

Nobody knows and it'll be more dangerous.
Why are you being lazy?

>Reddit's bizarre adventure

I just don’t want to buy salts. I’m pretty sure I’ll only make it 4 days, the question was more about how adderall would effect it

I think I have adhd but I might just have a short attention span or I just don't care (BASED!), what were the signs you have it and when did you decide to go get tested?

You won't make it far without the salts, so stop being lazy and buy them.
And drop the adderall too.

what do you need to supplement with?

Regular salt and potassium are the bare minimum

what's the ideal fasting stack in your opinion

The answer is that you don't want ADD.

That's it.
You could add magnesium sulfate and some baking soda, but they're optional and not really needed.
Also there's a /fast/ general which is made for this exact purpose.

Why drop the adderall?

So does adderall do anything on a fast or no?

Thismy shit is very minor, but I feel fucked and useless when I try to study or do shit. I made a nofap thread thinking that was the problem and the conclusion I came to based on the answers are to stop using social media, internet, fapping and porn so much. Idk if that will help me because I’ve always been like this since I was a child but it’s worth a shot before I commit to the idea of jew pills

Also there are government jobs you'll be locked out of if you have ADD. Want to join the Space Force? Adults with ADD need to seek a waiver or may be barred entirely. If you think you have brainmites, schizophrenia or whatever meme disease of the mind you should hide it because outside of weird tumblr chats the real boomer world out there will fuck over people deemed to be weird in the head.

>160lbs 5'10"
Dude just lift.

Well yeah you just don’t go around talking about your health issues. Everyone has them but only artists and spergs tell everyone/anyone outside close friends and family.

Nah I wanna cut


I’m skinnyfat as hell

You could fast down to 135lbs safely.

In one go without supplements?

135 is my dream weight

No, you will definitely want to go with electrolyte and vitamin supps. Otherwise you can run into heart problems and develop refeeding syndrome once your break your fast.

How long could I safely go without supplements?

I’m fine with refeeding on like 1200 cals then just fasting again for a couple days, rinse and repeat

You ought to go browse /fast/, but you can safely fast as long as many days as your body can handle. If you start feeling sick (like puking up water), or start having shivers, or feel like passing out when you stand up, then absolutely break the fast.