How much weight (muscles) you anons lost since the quarantine started?

how much weight (muscles) you anons lost since the quarantine started?

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I've put on a couple of kg but I am an essential so I dont get time off work.

I don't think I've lost anything. No gains, but I'm just trying to keep what I've got til my home gym shit shows up.

are you working out at least?

Tfw Kurdish

how u holding mate?

Upper body- minimal atrophy
Legs- fucking RIP

I also somehow pulled a left lat muscle by doing curls with a rock-filled backpack attached to a bar
My advice is if you lack proper equipment, then just take the opportunity to work on cardio. Once the gyms open up nobody’s gonna give a fuck about cardio so take the opportunity to make those gains

how do i train cardio if i cant even go out, or eat a proper meal tho

only gained actually

>Muslims listening to black metal
Unprecedented levels of based

if you listen to music at all youre not a real muslim. its haram

i also listen to doom & death metal. i feel like im the only one here that does that, at least the only one that doesnt like normie bands
shut up you dont know shit.

>worse than turks

This man is correct

no he is not.
listening to songs is the kind of sin that is forgivable, unlike killing etc which are the unforgivable.
u can always do the right thing. listen to songs, and later read quran, who cares? God loves you more than you think.
you cant say to someone you are not real muslim, only God judges.

fucking extremists i hate you all

But you're allowed to kill infidels in a religious war, right? I'm not saying that as a bad thing, just curious. There's a lot of debate about that, mainly western fags crying it makes Islam barbaric. Fuck that, it makes Islam based, killing homos is based too. Christoids just jelly their religion is cucked these days

I cut from 200lbs to 183lbs. I'm seeing my abs now which is good because before I needed to be 155lbs to see my abs.

>sin that is forgivable
How stupid are you? A divine being that creates everything in the universe, even existence itself, and you feel it's alright to sin against him and yourself because "you can get away with it"? Not even trying to correct your path, you just think you are better than gods divine wisdom and act against him willfully.

listen, a war is a war. old islam did kill infidels for reasons and depend on each war, but do you know that we were friends with christians too? we got help from them as well.
in quran, God demanded us to live peacefully with other religions if they dont harm us.
most of """"muslims"""" nowdays act out there ass.
a killing is a killing wither is a homo or a prophet. both are souls and both god judges them.
you are just stuffing in words without understanding what i mean. go do what you will.

There is nothing to understand. The laws of Islam are clear and you purposely break them.
Never call yourself a muslim ever again.

im not gonna argue with an extremist
>he thinks he have the right to say im a muslim or not
you arent god are you? go kys

Music is NOT at all Haram, where you get this shit from? your daily whatsapp wahhabi clerics videos??
Imagine 1000 years ago muslim Arabs inventing new musical instruments, songs, notes, culture...
only for an Israeli cocksucking ugly bearded man try to destroy your culture by saying that music is haram.

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why you (you)ing me lol i told him its not that haram

>is the kind of sin that is forgivable
it's not a sin at all

tbqhyf i cringe at muzzies who try to act like "rational" westerners and be "accepting" of other religions. this is gonna take some big boi perspective to understand but that behavior is exactly what is killing western christianity and it will kill your race and culture too if you let it. besides the humiliating occupation of many muslim countries by western militaries, your people are still a level of ferocious and high-test that is rarely found elsewhere in the world and used to be rivaled only by badass europeans. now that euros are killing themselves you stand ready to conquer and colonize and bring your people into an unparalleled golden age. you can quietly admire and love christians and western culture privately while you destroy their people and fuck their women. btw don't take any of this as thinking I myself think you should do this, I'm just talking about what's objectively correct; as a western christian european, I believe that we should be just as violent and conquering and uncompromising as you all are, if not more. I will kill every muzzie I can get my hands on, completely inseminate their women, and all the better for me if some simp dunecoon makes it easier for me by trying to be "tolerant"

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no i have to disagree with that
its a sin but its not comparable to zena or killing. its forgevable

lol the hell are you on? i mean that doesnt include me at least. i live in my country and not planning to conquer your lands lol wtf
just chill

not a sin, except songs about sex, drugs...Etc
and give me your source
>(hard mode) : don't quote that Albanian or the Afghani dude who were born 200 years after death of the Mohamed and wrote 7000 hadiths about him, even though all the caliphs burned some books about the messenger and made sure to deliver his message that he doesn't want to be quoted by anything other than the Quran and basic teachings, not even his personal life

This attitude of tolerance is going to get you Jewed. See what happened to Christian US and Europe. And you can see the results of this in the war torn middle east around you. Islam is one of the last living traditions and the price for not submitting to the effects of modernism are Jewish-funded meaningless wars.
I'm guessing being tolerant is counter cultural and hip in Islamic nations but extremism has it's place. I recommend reading Evola's Metaphysics of War.

i mean there are alot of sahihs that quote prophet mohammed, of saying songs and singing are haram you can look them up with a search.
even few tafsers from quran too
idk really only god knows
but for the sake of having peace inside. i oposite the bad thing with a good one.