One shot at life

>one shot at life
>absentee father

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>one shot at life
>bodybuilder dad

>one shot at life
>blame others

perhaps I never had a father figure to impress upon me the importance of taking responsibility for myself

>one shot at life
>always had a goal to be better than my father

Shit people for some reason make me a better person.

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Im sorry my bastard son but your mom was just a good cum dump, fuck I wish I could slap that ass again
Nothing personal kid, I can buy you a dollar burguer some day

OP how old are you?
My dad wasn't even that bad (his father was extremely abusive) but he's still a narcissistic emotionally abusive peak boomer, I know he tried his hardest but one of my main motivators is being a better father than he ever could be.

My family are utter trash. Didn't get better until I cut them off totally.

>one shot at life
>arachnoid cyst on the brain


It's shitty, but I just consider it reassurance because I realized there's nothing anyone can do to me anymore. There's nothing you can do to me that hasn't already happened, and no pain anyone can cause me will ever be greater than everything I went through.

>one shot at life
>realize no worry because I always reincarnate as some fucking faggot because all is me and me is all.

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this guy is thinking outside the meta

No. You are me. Your sole purpose here is to entertain me. Now that our single moment of communication has come and gone, you may depart.

Thank you for being a blip on my radar.

>one shot at life
>dead dad
>depressed grief ridden family

>one shot at life
>still shooting it.

Fuck ya'll faggots.

hey user, dad here, you know? you really shouldnt blame others for your shortcomings or misfortunes in life, sure it can be other peoples fault but where does the crying and whining get you? Nowhere and fast. Instead, you should focus on working on yourself and for yourself first and foremost, because that's the only thing you can change and improve in life at the beginning, in return, you will come out being a better person and your reach for change and improvement will exceed your own person and bleed over to those you love and surround you in life and that good within you, the one you have cultivated through sweat blood and tears, will exponentially grow and those it touches will love and care for you in return and it will come back to you tenfold.

Im sorry i couldnt be there for you, i perhaps died or maybe was a douchebag asshole who bolted the first chance i had, either way i hope you get better and over these sad trying times you are going through, you really deserve better user but the only one that can get you better is yourself.
Much love, dad.

Just reincarnate bro

Just want to let you Friends know that just because you were made by scumbags doeant mean you have to be a scumbag too. If there's a hurting child in your life, be someone they can look up to.

How do we be better fathers, bros?

>How do we be better fathers, bros?
Make sure you marry a woman you can stand being around for at least 20 years.

Thanks dad. I'm gonna keep trying

This. My first gf had an alcoholic dad one of those insane Italian moms. Literally like Tony Sopranos mom or something. Anyway that guy was a Chad, like 6'5 and fucking tons of women, then he knocks up some secretary. To give you an idea of how much of a failure he was his daughter was fucking a guy who posts on Yas Forums. His son is insanely hard working guy though. Owns a house at 25 from being a paramedic.

Well OP I'm 19. I don't know what it was like growing up without a father. If you're black and didn't have a father, that's par for the course. If you're white you still have hope. I imagine you had male role models throughout your life be them real or fictional. All I can say is be the best man you can be and when you do have children, be the best father you can be.

Imagine failing at life because you didn't have a daddy lmao

go listen to this benzo addict daddy surrogate talk about pinnochio or shit while he snorts another pill cause of his wifes terminal stage 7 ass cancer

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Well, you can either get a girl pregnant and then skip out, leaving another kid to grow up like you did and become the very thing you loathe... or, do better than him.

i'm white. and yeah, i had role models from movies and shit but they can't teach me how to be a man. I guess that's no excuse. but I feel like being raised by a single mother has crippled me. Or maybe having a father wouldn't have given me what I needed anyway

>one shot at life
>die in a car accident at the age of 2


>one shot at life
>you're doing it wrong kiddo
>transcend your bullshit by taking responsibility for your situation.

Yeah but it's fucking hard when you never had a father figure teach you how to face life's challenges. yeah I know I'm just bitching at this point

>I feel like being raised by a single mother has crippled me
Literally me

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Read the book of pook, thank me later.