Is this what 1/2/3/4 looks like?

Is this what 1/2/3/4 looks like?

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this is what roids look like

This is what Brad Pitt looks like


If you can’t look like that naturally then you have the self discipline of a retarded lizard and physically you are a genetic abomination. I looked like that after a year of consistent lifting.

no, 1/2/skip/skip

this is what 1/2/3/4 looks like.

Attached: d48a6db22664d6397705b9b9433b85cb.jpg (295x487, 17.31K)

post body

True, but actors do roids for these roles nonetheless.

No, he lifts less but looks better than most 1/2/3/4ers here.

12345 is better than 54321 that's for God damn sure

Hard to say because he undoubtedly didn't do those exercises to look like that. However someone who looks like that could likely do 1234 quite easily with a little specific training.

1234 + a lot of volume work, yes

If you just rushed to 1234 with meme strength routines then you look like this

I have the same combination on my luggage

Post body.


Based and schwartzpilled

Jesus, his chest invests are disgusting

He looks ugly as fuck as well, who is this guy? I bet his life sucks

it's roids nonetheless

Apparently he doesnt train legs, literally all he does for legs is running. And he can apparently bench 2pl8, and I'd assume he can ohp 1pl8 so his lifts are 1/2/0/0

post body

What's with all the Troy content today?

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based. Beach body day every day

we say "post physique", you unbelievers

Attached: thegoldenone.jpg (1960x1000, 435.77K)


hes never squatted 3pl8 in his life

You literally look like you do some push-ups here and there, Keep training kid.

shut the fuck up, you dumb virgin

Closer to 1.5/2.5/what/ever and lean

You joke but I know a contractor with that exact body, he's by far the strongest person I know. Also checked.

I can do over 1 plate for reps and just about 2 plates for bench and I can say that in regards to upper body I'm nowhere near him (could also be bc I'm not shredded+ hollywood angle).