I'm a woman and I have no ass. What should my routine be to have the thickest ass possible...

I'm a woman and I have no ass. What should my routine be to have the thickest ass possible? I don't want to do squats because they work out the thighs much more than the butt.

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Sitting on my face x10.

run to the kitchen x10

hop on dis dik x10

I'm trans by the way

>I'm a woman and I have no ass. I don't want to do the objective best ass workout there is. Any advice?
Having thighs is part of having a good ass. Do squats and lunges. It's nearly impossible to build glutes efficiently without involving your legs, and you shouldn't want to. A big ass without nice thighs looks fake


lmaooo so not a woman

cringe retard

eat more

I am going to work out my thighs, I just don't want to end up with bigger thighs than ass.

Thinking of you hurting :(

>He doesn't know

Nobody wakes up one morning and has one muscle group massively bigger, if you notice your thighs getting disproportionately bigger than your ass, then you can do more isolations, but as of right now squats are gonna give you the most bang for your buck
t. guy with a nice ass

When will this retarded femanon larp posting stop
It's not even funny, I don't even read after the first line

There are 2 genders

thicc thighs are essential to a nice ass

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I agree with this user

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Lunges with dumbbells in both hands, or a barbell on your back. Also bulgarian split squats

>do squats because they work out the thighs much more than the butt.
Do squats, but use your ass more than your thighs.
You can choose which muscle groups you use.
You're over compensating with your thighs.
Stop that.

laying hip thrusts. Like a bridge.
You can even put weights on your belly

Glute ham raises

Kinda hot knowing there's probably some former tubby guy who looks at my ass thru a hidden cam

Teehee x)

Thus the prophecy was fulfilled.
>There are no girls on the internet.

Post ass pic

Lmao you can reply this to any thread and it changes it completely

Devilish derail

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1xforever neck rope hangs

Hip thrusts x20
Donkey kicks x20 each leg
Fire hydrants x20 each leg
Do this all on one go
If you can do three sets each day for a month you will see the glute gains

You need thighs with ass as was already mentioned in thread. The fastest easy way to get them is to squat on top of the toilet whenever you use it, if you video this, upload somewhere and give us the link, you will get 3x ass gains for each day you do this.

I'm becoming a man

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