What do I need to do to get my sex drive back?

I see this pic and feel nothing. Idk what happened bros.

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Lift more and stop watching porn

Bump for me and user

Nig you gave no information, how are we supposed to detect your problem?

Maybe if you post a few more of her, my expertise could provide an answer.
>thinly veiled

that'll do it

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internet porn kinda stopped looking human for me, the plastic look gets boring, get a real woman naked, see how you feel about it and also coffee is good sometimes

I 'm 28. Already quit porn and I lift 3-4x per week; have a good sleep sched, dont't drink, don't smoke, don't use caffeine or stims, and have a healthy diet.

For the last 4-5 girls I had sex with it was OK but nothing like when I was a younger horny teenager. It almost felt tedious. I take a low dose of Cialis for better boners but just don't feel horny idk what's going on.

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Stop watching porn

Ive been doing /noporn/ for only 2 months and I'm back at the stage where I can fully jerk off just to pics of chicks in their underwear. Im literally back at the point I was when I first discovered jacking off, and it feelsgoodman

Sauce on that pic tho?

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You've ascended your fleshy prison embrace it

Did you get your blood work checked?

Fuck them harder. You NEED to be enraged when you fuck her. You've got to shred your dick with her lips. No way you can have higher sex drive if you don't seek higher stimulation. Also, stop watching porn, but keep masturbating.

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You think you saw this in real life you wouldnt get hard?

I dunno I'm the same way, in the best shape of my life but couldn't care less about sluts. Guess I got enough of that shit in my college years. Now I just associate them with all of the bullshit that follows.

>Pic: when you send in the only one who looks 21 to buy beer. :-D

Probably because you need a fit choco GF user

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Not yet but I intend to once everything reopens

having a similar issue for the past year or two, went from shooting ropes every day to near impotence. Don't watch porn anyway, what's some actual advice to get libido back

I had the same issue. I realized that for me to properly get hard, stay hard and enjoy the moment, I had to be emotionally attached to the girl. Like, feel comfortable

the most common cause of sexual dysfunction in men by a longshot is psychological
sleep more, exercise more, eat healthier, clean your house, fuck somebody, don't fuck anybody, whatever you've gotta do to get your head right

I see that pic and I want to rape her. I'm 33. Sorry for the loss of your libido I guess.

Why should someone be turned on by a random picture of a slut, though? It is different with a pussy in the room, even pheromones are in play.

Because the world is so fucked up you don't know if that's male or female any more, especially on this degenerate website.

Eat 5 cloves of raw garlic, 1 raw onion, eat fatty foods (healthy fats from meat, eggs).

>be jacked middle aged white guy
>face literally turns tomato every time I interact with dark girls, spaghetti everywhere, overly nice
>they probably think I'm racist and uncomfortable because they are black


I think I am like this too. Only had proper sex with the one girl I was in love with. Dick doesn't work with random bar sloots, even the ones I think are really hot.

you are a disgrace to your entire race

increase fat intake pronto

> be pot-bellied boomer with decent biceps and that's it
> face literally turns tomato every time I interact with dark girls, spaghetti everywhere, overly nice
> they probably think I'm racist and uncomfortable because they are black
> actually just cringe simp boomer

It only gets worse with age buddy. Im near 34 and while I have sex still and can stay hard for it, my libido is at the point that I only really desire to have sex about every 3-4 days. I also rarely jack it.

I'm in the same boat as OP. Best shape of my life, but since my late 20's my libido, vitality, erections, all just totally tanked. Don't even desire sex, can't even get hard most days. I did some bloodwork and my thyroid is producing basically nothing, testosterone is low but not low enough I could get TRT covered by insurance. Been trying tons of extra stuff to try and help, more sun, more movement, cutting even more fat, sleep more, etc. Just really sucks right now. I will probably get another blood test when I'm able to again. I'm only 34 but I feel like I'm 80

Desensitized to these types of pics my nig.

There's no way you wouldn't wanna wreck that Sloot if she was put in front of you irl, small stuff like smell of hair/skin submissiveness etc adds to it for me but just looking at the pic idgaf

Nigger, they will adore you. I'm a white guy with a lot of brown friends, I can't tell you how many times I've heard them comment on how cute it is that white boys can blush. Own it, you can totally be embarrassed and bashful, just don't be completely 100% autistic and say something creepy or retarded like a your typical retard on Yas Forums.

You got this Kang

damn bro what's got you down? no need for such negativity

Get off the meds. There’s a good chance it’s depression or some other underlying medical reason. Don’t just pop the dick pills just because.

in similar boat, this is what has been somewhat helping for me:
- l citrulline
- l arginine
- kegels
- penis ring when im engaged in sex

>be jacked middle age white guy
>treat nigger and gook females like shit because I hate them
>they drop their spaghetti trying to get my attention
>pity fuck them while calling them racial slurs and choking them out
>"omg best sex of my life, you aren't really racist are you?"
>"get the fuck out of my apartment, darkie"
>wake up to 20 texts begging for my dick again
I feel like I discovered some sort of hidden knowledge and am using it for evil. I want a white trade gf but minorities are stealing my sperm.

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Even at 34 it shouldn’t be that bad.

>low test
>best shape of my life
How does this even happen?

get bloodwork done, see if your oestrogen, testosterone, and serotonin levels are normal. If they're off the chain then there is no shame in seeking treatment. TRT is highly effective, SSRIs are effective but it might take awhile for you to find the right one that gives you the least sides/best results because everyone responds to them differently.

34 is not old. Get your hormones sorted out.

These aminos plus yohimbine. I’m 40 and these plus better diet and more exercise turned my life around.

forgot to add that i also don't watch porn and take zinc supplements as well.

user you know there's more in life than just sex?
It might be a good idea for you to focus on other aspects of your life, as you're most likely completely satiated on sex and women.

Focus on your passion, career, something you love doing and are excited to wake up for in the morning.
Maybe you need something else in your life? I don't know.

you geeks probably stare into your computer monitor all day and wonder why you lack vitality lmfao

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>I see this pic and feel nothing.
Tbh she’s pretty basic, nothing special. Maybe if I had 10+ beers I’d let her give me head or something but only if she put a paper bag over her head.