Goal Bodies, fictional or otherwise

Goal Bodies, fictional or otherwise.

I found the most symmetric aestethics ever. Nick Topel.

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Look at this shit, it's insane

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how much you want to be he is a manlet lord


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5'9", the long legs makes him look taller tbhfam

Roids and i'm an alabama nigger and I wanna be free



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>No cardio
Probably a pretty bad decision in retrospect.


>look up swim brand because I know how to swim (White)
>go to website
>mfw it's softcore gay pr0n

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kid have you never heard of photoshop


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Is that the doughnuts guy?
I want this meme to die
Great physique but his face is so fucking punchable

>athletic clothing advertisements are becoming indistinguishable from gay porn

no who's that, your dad's boyfriend?

I don't like this body
I dunno just feels like it lacks personality

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damm im sure if i had that body i would atract my gf's sister

Troy pitt was peak homo sapiens

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am i the only one who doesnt really like his physique?

sure his face is unmogable but his body just looks... i dont even know. op is way better

How do I achive these lats?

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The dude on the right, his character is pretty based too

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Is he natty bros?

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me in the middle

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Yeah, I fucked his ass and can comfirm he's natty