Post homegyms

Post homegyms

Pic related

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Homemade platform

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>he thinks a nazi symbol makes him cool

are you feelin okay bud

>nazi symbol

Sorry about your viriginity, Bruder.

I am not political and that is not a nazi symbol.

I'm sick of the racism that has plagued the lifting community. First the Brian Shaw & Larry Wheels case and now this. Seriously, grow up.


This is bait. SJWs do not lift.

>The year of our lord 2020
>Being an unironic nazi

Ultimate cringe m8


Go back to Plebbit, you fucking PC nigger commie piece of shit, and take your AIDS there because I bet that you're a faggot too.

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>t. incel
I can taste your tears

I wonder why retards like you even come to this place? If you want a hugbox or a safe space, there's plenty of online communities where you get banned as soon as you disrepect whores, niggers and fags, you should go there.

4channel has always been anti-fascist and anti-racism. Newfags like you just can't remember it.

I love my home gym so much. Can't wait to decorate properly

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Why cant you participate in any sort of discussion without shitting everything up? Theres a clear topic to this thread and here you are acting like a fucking bitch. Of all the boards on this ignoble website you choose to be a pile of garbage on the one dedicated to physical self improvement, at least on a superficial level. Why does it seem like it's just the same one guy fucking up every thread?

Digging that setup famalam

The valknut is not a nazi symbol.

Turned my shop into my homegym

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>keeps feeding the troll
nice job faggot

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I'm so jell of the space americans have in the garages and shops

I gave in. I just want to talk about fitness and self improvement. I'm tired of politics, I liked it better when normies just bitched about sports ball, no one gave me a lecture about how not caring one way or another was destroying the world.

I think they are marks for buried services because they are going to excavate the area.

based as fuck

>nazis afraid to post bodies


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Don’t listen to these faggots. The Valknut is a based ancient pagan/Viking symbol.

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i dont do paganism but I sort of dig the pagan aesthetic and a cult of strength

This tbqh

Just got my barbell today. Feels good to lift in paradise.

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Brian Shaw is a nazi?