Yeah bro just lift

>yeah bro just lift

Attached: 1587029221485.jpg (684x365, 40.57K)

>nooooooooo women care about muscles not the face!!!!! not the ehckerino dad boderino you cant just have a good face!!!!

Attached: 11.png (785x731, 199.62K)

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Can I find a personality / positive attitude in my bones?

ye go cry and do nothing instead of trying to improve yourself

If ugly and/or shit frame there is no point in ever lifting



It's only incels who make threads like this though.

kill yourself incel

Mental illness should be a bigger concern to you.

yes, because "personality", "humor", "confidence", etc are just synonyms for looks that women use to not appear shallow

Cope. I'm chad

gotcha. brb rerolling necromancer

then why would you care?

Dude his image suggests face is more important than muscle mass. Actually the only thing hinting at more muscle mass is the clavicle and that’s really just saying broad shoulders

Retard cuck

>only femurs are in red, implying this is the only part of the body that contributes to height
>not highlighting maxila which is integral to craniofacial development
fucking casual

take a look at pic related. e.g. girls say they like funny guys but actually they just like to laugh at guys who are attractive

this comment that you just made is the type that only an incel would make

Attached: looks personality.png (1515x1767, 1.16M)

>they like funny guys
They like fun-to-be-with guys, not funny-looking guys.

>Using what women say as truth

Fuck sake you're clueless, no wonder you can't get any women

im 6'2 with broadest clavicles you can imagine, mediocre jawline

im also 27kissless virgin
maybe it is personality afteralll...

Height. Makes you seem confident from an intimidation factor. If you’re over 6’ with ANY insecurities or anxiety issues no one will take you seriously and you need to overcome it on your own (as you should regardless of height, but expect very little sympathy as compared to shorter people). For example a tall guy with social anxiety is creepy whereas a manlet with social anxiety is just funny/seen as weak. Shits retarded but makes sense.
>interesting personality
A good face. You can talk about fucking hot wheels and get girls if your face is attractive enough
>positive attitude
I don’t get how these are correlated at all, but yeah wider shoulders (or atleast wider than your waist) are important too



>get shredded
>get new skills
>get nice job
>get money
>get surgery
literally that simple

Someone explain this, especially the clavicle part because I don't get it

I think the "funny" men thing should be fucking obvious. How many comedians have you met? Yet many women have the funny guy wish on dating profiles. Women want a funny boyfriend who "makes them laugh." So what's actually true? Everyone is George Carlin or she just laughs at inane bullshit because you're attractive to her and she likes you?

Is the clavicle supposed to be that straight?
Could this explain why one off my shoulders is longer than the other?

You'd be way to busy with your life to make this thread if that were even slightly true.

>that graph
Hold up, this graph being linear is essentially proof that the more attractive someone is the attractive their personality (no matter how unattractive it actually is) comes off as? Am I reading this right?

>I'm chad
Post body

Attached: sdfg.png (544x564, 463.03K)

Women are only going for pretty boys because times are easy. When society collapses they will go for warlords and will think pretty boys are fags. Set yourself up to be a warlord after the collapse.

there isn't going to be a collapse. the status quo is permanent. better learn to adapt because how things are now is how they're going to be the rest of your life.

T. 145lb soiboi


Lmaoing those fucking Sigmas at the 4+ looks range