
Wings edition

Old: Before asking your stupid beginner questions, please do your own research and don't just blindly repeat what plebbitards tell you.

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual. or see CCFC's handy faggotry guide.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

ABSOLUTELY no source talk. I mean you degenerate. Stop asking. You think you can sneak in and ask for a source. You cant. Everyone will get banned and the thread will be deleted.
google for steroid sources. then google the name and look for reviews in any kind of forum.

This isn't a medical forum. Stop asking for medical advice and go to a doctor.

Don't ask us to help you schedule your pinning dosages. New website: steroidplotter.com/

If you’re going to ask for cycle advice, please include
>time spent training
>BF %
>penile length
>nipple radius
>planck length
>waist circumference (you fat fuck)

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i have nothing useful to say, i dont even fraud but im early so im just fpbp myself

You nick a blood vessel and some oil gets into it when you pull the needle out


I'm natural and I'm 100x more aesthetic than this garbage

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Dorian would crush you in an instant

How expensive is roiding? i want to try 1 cycle because my OHP is stuck and i don't give a fuck anymore

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6times a week


Speed is the only thing that matters in a fight. I've been training MMA + boxing with heavy cardio for close to three years now and I could simply outlast Dorian while delivering precisely placed blows which could KO him in under a minute. I doubt Dorian could last longer than 3 minutes with me desu bodybuilders are notorious for their poo cardio

For one cycle all said and done, probably $250-$300.

how big is your dick?

less expensive than i tought nice
7''x5.2'' and yes i know ngmi

can you post a pic?

fuck off except if you're a cute twink
in that case post body

Should I fraud if I'm barely starting? I just do Mehdi's SL program and I got the form more or less good.
I realized that in the gym there is only so many people who are clueless about executing any move that isn't squatting as I got told many things from different people, I figured 2/3 of them are frauds.

I couldn't care less about consequences.

Do SS for 3-5 months so you understand how to lift and eat.

don't get so defensive you sub faggot
no that's stupid

I don't know how to eat, I mean I do but 90% of my time is dedicated to study engineering.

Ok, thanks, all I needed to know.

If I wasn't born a skinny weak fuck I wouldn't even mind not being Yas Forums or some fat just as long as had strong bones and stature... Instead I have the body of a girl and I'm as fragile as a matchstick.

Here's how you eat: A lot.

That's it. Put down 3000 to 3500 calories per day of whatever you feel like.

I went from 60 to 100kg. You just gotta eat man. Better to eat junk food than no food, so don't follow some meme diet, just eat whatever and if you're full eat some more. You can cut later once you're not DYEL anymore.

>*hammerfists u into unconsciousness*

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>speed is the only thing that matters in a fight
Then why do weight classes exist retard, watch less anime.

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Testify you are looking bigger than before what are you running and how much do you weigh now?

post body right now

Is DCAA enough for a cycle of only LGD @ 10mg for 8-10 weeks?

I've never taken roids and I never will but I was thinking of doing some DNP to get stupidly lean.



Do you have a source? Apparently china have stopped producing raws so sources might jack up the prices. You should also cut naturally first otherwise you'll just gain the weight again when you stop using it.

sure if you can avoid death.