Ever since I started working out, I find anime women more attractive than real women. What the fuck does this mean...

Ever since I started working out, I find anime women more attractive than real women. What the fuck does this mean? What should I do about it?

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>What the fuck does this mean?
It means you're ascending

>What should I do about it?
Lift more and do nofap

You are finally realizing the truth in life

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Accept it.

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You have gotten extremely horny.
Time to ignore anime, it’s detrimental.

Needs more context. Do you lift around women?

Anime women are stylized versions of the ideal female form, weak jaw, large eyes, smooth skin, curvy feminine bodies, almost never any imperfections, higher test levels means you become more attracted to higher estrogen women, higher confidence from lifting makes you believe you deserve better women to a level of being unreal because most women are too lazy to achieve these traits since they are guaranteed a male partner from birth and have men chasing after them from as early as possible.

It's called becoming based user. Congratulations.

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is nofap just a meme or are there actual benefits? I don't think I can commit
I used to until corona-chan appeared

>is nofap just a meme or are there actual benefits? I don't think I can commit
There are benefts

bunny cunny

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>I don't think I can commit
you can, actually anyone can.

there are no benefits the retards are delusional enough to beileve them and are therefore experiencing the placebo effect

NoFap is stupid and only has real world benefits for porn addicted people. NoPorn however has its benefits. You can and should masturbate, but not every day. More like every few days, and only to fantasies or memories of past sexual encounters. Porn rewires your brain into thinking you always need more, always the next level of degeneracy, always something more fucked up than last time.
My advice: do not masturbate looking at anime girls or any pornographic material at all. Godspeed OP.

anime looks like THAT?

anime women are far superior than real w*men user

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Same here. It's so much easier to imagine anime women talking to me than real women.

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user, you just became based.

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Kiari is a bitch for not getting on T.K's dick.

i want to nakadashi nel

It's not her fault, she wanted the dick.

it means you need to get some semblance of a life. Start by leaving this shithole. Turned on by chinese cartoons, baka.

What is this, Kari wanted TY's dick instead of TKs?

Hmm, I guess you've come to appreciate bodies more? And most IRL bodies are fucking gross?

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It's word of god.

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It means you blow up those ARMS MOTHERFUCKER!

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I wouldn’t call it benefits, I think it’s more like getting rid of an extra weight, I mean, instead of spending your energy and time in faping, you spend it in things(exercise, hobbies,etc) that are actually worth your time and energy, it can also help you to get rid of your brain fog. It also helps you in the development of you willpower

grandmas dont have cunny

I will never not love anime titties and I don't care what anyone has to say about it

you are tumbling down a hole

>Ever since I started working out, I find anime women more attractive than real women. What the fuck does this mean?
It means you don't fuck, in my young years there were cartoons like your picture but I didn't feel anything for them as I was too busy fucking your mother