Yas Forums humor / humour

Today is my rest day, I've beaten my records yesterday. Anyway, another humor thread begins lads, let's go

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Here's a smug pic of Sanchez, because I haven't posted her in a while

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>tripfag posts unfunny shit

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Wow you look fat as shit

You guys must be joking with the Manlet memes, right? Unles times have changed my dad is 5’7 and absolutely destroyed pussy in his time

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To be fair, I do that too when it's a single occupancy bathroom.

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I've been searching everywhere lads pls I need that stick figure comic meme that people edit a lot

>hes sleeping and doenst feel like going to the gym then the next panel is whatever you want to edit in and his eyes shoot open and hes like YEEAHHH MOTHAFUCKAAAAA

lmao when I ran track in high school there was a bathroom within the first quarter of a mile in the direction that we would start our runs so we would go to the bathroom and blow dry our dicks before we started our runs

Could someone please post the boomer workout? Something with super setting bench press with lat pulldowns

kek, but post the whole collage

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Attached: welcome to fit.png (1051x177, 13.88K)

very cute user

based onions company, putting down weaklings in their place

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If I wanted humor is ask for your 1rm

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post gym attire

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posting some classics

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Isn’t that thing for old people or for those with arthritis? And he’s proud he needs it?