Be me

>be me
>unironicallyhave 10/10 muscular genetics
>gain muscle easy, massive frame that can support 260lbs of muscle at 5'11 natty easily: thick wrists and ankles, can really fill out
>all I wanna do is calisthenics and cycling and am build like a fat potato because of this.
I just hate the aesthetic of body builders, but I know I would be in the top percentile of body builders if I actually wanted to compete. Convince me to not waste my superior genetics.

I am build similar to pic-related completely natty walking around. There is literally over 200lbs of muscle on my frame.

Attached: royNelson.jpg (1200x800, 119.98K)

No, you're fat and delusional


What a fucking retard. I bet you dont even lift you fat LARPer

I'm 260 and benched 450 lbs in college. You fucking retards. Scrawny needle dick pussies.

Yea Buddy, I'm sure if you put in a bit of effort you would be world famous instantly.

It's a shame that even you admit you are too lazy for that to happen.

> 450 @ 260
Absolutely not

You're fat, not well built.

Not trying to challenge you.
Just to know what we're talking about here

Post body

Wow such a big strong man. Can you post body? I want to see your 50 year old gut.

Forget bodybuilding, do football, rugby or another real sport you can actually earn money with.

post body or shut the fuck up retard

lmao look who’s talking tubby

I don't think what you're saying is implausible, I've seen some ridiculously built people. You should still post pody
Seconding this. If you have such good genes, why not benefit from them?

You don't know if you have the genes to be a pro bodybuilder before doing your first cycle.

You faggots are insufferable
This is me from last december, I'm 255lbs here easily 220lbs of raw muscle tissue on my frame, good solid arms, just don't really have visible abs.
I'm way too thick for calisthenics and no matter what I do I can't drop weight

Attached: me.jpg (382x583, 22.22K)

Are you natty? I feel like you're probably going to say yes, but I kind of doubt it.
I do hope you're natty though, because then I get hope for myself.

fat&delusional e-stat manlet

You're pretty impressive, absolutely impossible to say you have perfect bodybuilder genetics but you certainly wouldn't be a bad one. But that doesn't matter just loom how you wanna look.

hmm it seems that your shirt is blocking your actual build. not convincing me of anything yet.

Queer shirt.


>top percentile of body builders
>just another joocin gymrat

nice delusions, size =/= good genetics and insertions

Chances of that being you are zero

Literally can't win with you guys. Don't project your insecurities about your small bodies and scoliosis onto giga-alphas again

I said in my original post I'm natty. All I do is the vertical diet and have protein shakes.

OP ever checked if you have myostatin deficiency?

You obviously made this thread to humble brag, don't expect everyone to suck your dick just because you whipped it out.

>>gain muscle easy, massive frame that can support 260lbs of muscle at 5'11
Is this really what fat people tell themselves?

People are calling bullshit for your numbers because if they're true you'd have literal one in a million genes. If that were true, you're a retard for not doing a sport. You're throwing away money and a potentially high earning career. It's like having a 10 inch dick and cutting it off

You need to learn how to weigh yourself bro, no way in hell you're 260 at 5'11" with that build, something is way off. Try a different scale, and weigh yourself in the morning before you eat or drink.

Give me concrete evidence and I will give you good advice. Otherwise fuck off

>he thinks this is top percentile

>gain muscle easy, massive frame that can support 260lbs of muscle at 5'11 natty easily: thick wrists and ankles, can really fill out

pic is a guy who is 260 at 5'11

Attached: 10468648_741126522597085_8663582910593693090_nok.jpg (505x712, 39.85K)

>260 lbs of muscle at 5'11
>looks like roy nelson
You're not muscle. You're fat af.

I think he's weighing in with his shoes on, using an uncalibrated scale, with his gym bag on, pockets full of chef boyardee cans and while drinking his third protein shake, all while retaining a massive shit. No way he has this build at 5'11" with that weight, just doesn't add up.

Post legs