>Oh hi, I think we go to the same gym hehe. Too bad it is closed due to the virus thang, I just do running and some zumba nowadays + wii fit.
>How about you, are you feelin' fit buddy?
Oh hi, I think we go to the same gym hehe. Too bad it is closed due to the virus thang...
>why are you outside my house? *goes to grab ol' berta*
Hey I recognize you nice to see you . Maybe we can train together on wii fit it'll be very fun, I've a wiimote on me every time for those occasions (wink)
>How about you, are you feelin' fit buddy?
Im just a lucky guy *wink*
Now, want to get inside? (my bedroom)
My gym is in my house. Begone, thot.
I'm now /homegymmasterrace/. This is a last time you'll see me, any last words?
>How about you, are you feelin' fit buddy?
Sorry, not into dudes. Guess I'm just an unlucky guy that way
>why are you talking like a fat autist from 4chins dot com
>wii fit
>not ring fit adventure
Fucking casual. *reeeees*
>when you are so autistic you make your farewells sound like a death threat