Why the fuck would anyone not want to look like the dude on the right? Give me some good reasons you wouldn’t...

Why the fuck would anyone not want to look like the dude on the right? Give me some good reasons you wouldn’t. You are mentally ill

Attached: 6F827B61-F77C-4282-ABBD-D122DBAC7FAF.jpg (763x543, 67.1K)

He looks like a monster. I dont want to look like that. I want to be able to run, climb, jump, fight and lift weights. He looks like he could rip me in half but thats about all.

Right is not attractive to 95% of asian women. I lift to make asian cuties wet and brainfogged with lust for bwc.

user, he's literally unable to speak without gasping for breath and have his heart racing

I don't want to be an obese power-coper

Absolutely, positively based

>lifting for women
The real reason men should lift is to be the strongest person in the room and know you can demolish everyone if need be

Learn how to fight instead of lifting then

Ive been fat like that, its not fun, you just feel sweaty and gross all the time and over all terrible, you can also feel your blood pressure spike. When ever you do something strenuous, every movement is harder, sure you have the muscle to do it, but its not like things get easier, you still feel like your walking around will an extra 100lbs , even if you are alot stronger. You can also forget about running , or jumping or really anything hard on your knees otherwise you are begging for an acl tear or similar.

bc i wanna keep fuckin sluts on dating apps
next question

Still won’t be as intimidating

I don't care about other men. Fantasizing about violent scenarios is some real faggot caveman shit. My primary motivation in life is to ejaculate into as many asian pussies as possible before I die.

You are a bitch. Get a gf, have 7-9 kids with her and get all your kids to lift. Are you actually retarded?

Looks like a porno

The only reason I would not want to be like the right guy because your literally constantly hungry. And if you don't eat big you'll go dizzy.

I already told you I don't give a shit about other men. That includes you, little faggot. I've got 4 kids already from 3 different asian women.

Dude on right cant even see his dick and is balding.

The guy on the right is at least 100lbs overweight.

>muh balding
Spotted the 20yo. Hate to be the one to break this to you but kids your age haven't done anything relevant in human history since the time of Alexander. No, you won't break that mold.



Body. Post it. With timestamp, ofc.

>telling people to be overweight pigs
Never gonna make it user

Post body.

Children these days.

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extremely based

You're ignorant, user.
Brain>brawn always. No exception

Weapons, for example, are literally the materialization of this concept

Attached: 13b.jpg (657x850, 74.74K)

Everyone says if I had to fight a big dude I’d use a gun. Do you not realise they can use guns too. Then it’s not even a fight.

Do you think this massive man can aim properly? I could raise and shoot before he has even done his belt up.

I don’t think twinks can aim or handle the recoil

>I'll never have wrists of this size
Feels fucking bad man.

Bloatmaxxxxx and you will

Again, you dont get it.
Its not the size of the swordsman, but the skill of the swordsman.

Its not about the type of resources/who has greater
Its about your ability (who has greater ability) to make the best out of what you have and/or the context (The surroundings, circumstances, environment, background or settings that determine, specify, or clarify the meaning of an event or other occurrence.)
