Redpill me on the keto diet
Redpill me on the keto diet
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works on the short run, unsustainable for more than a few months
Huh, duck gangrape. Only on Yas Forums.
Google their penises.
Reddit tier shit diet that kills your gains and makes you lethargic and lacks any real benefit.
colon cancer in 10 years
Ducks are absolute savage when it comes to fuck. She's lucky she's on land and not on water with her head below the surface.
Quack quack, mother fucker.
there's so many of these threads every god damn day we've been talking about is keto the repill or not for like 3 fucking years - fuck you do it if you want don't if you don't want
>suppresses appetite
>fixes carb/sugar addiction after a while
>high energy levels even on a deficit
>has an adaptation period where you feel like shit until your body learns to build conserve glycogen and operate of fat that can take months
I do keto to maintain my weight, my lifts are virtually identically while in glycosis and ketosis, and my endurance is better in ketosis, speaking of which I'm about to head out for a 15k, wish me luck frens
Been doing keto for nearly a year. I'd say keto is based.
Underrated post
Been on keto 4 weeks to cut, lifts are staying steady and I'm losing 3 lbs of fat a week without even trying. Also my energy levels and mood are way more consistent through the day, it's pretty incredible. I started for the weight loss but ketosis is an amazing feeling, I plan to continue even after cutting.
It's a meme and its not.
Like pure ketosis 20 or less carbs a day is train wreck of a diet. It's good for losing a lot of weight quickly but it's even better as like a preamble to fasting. Since that's what happens in a long term fast anyways. You're just skipping 2 or 3 days. Lower carb or rather matching your carbs to your activity level has a lot of merits for staying lean and not gaining fat while being as functional as possible.
Reddit tier weight loss diet. Impairs athletic performance (there are no pro or Olympian athletes who are on Keto).
Pushed here by fanatical fatties who became cultish after losing a little bit of weight.
I can't handle all of that fat and I can't shit. If it works for you I'm happy for you. Dad lost a lot of weight on it
Do elaborate because there are plenty who have.
nice gankrape you having there fellow ducks
for cutting it's great. this guy pretty much nailed it but to add:
>food tastes delicious, not bland/boring
>because it's the "cool" diet right now, there are a surplus of recipes and pre-made "keto-friendly" foods out there available
>gets kind of expensive
>some people get the runs, some people can't shit at all. i had the squirts for about a week before my system evened out
overall i had decent energy levels but felt less explosive in the gym than i had with carbs in the mix. also lack of carbs made me much more irritable
Poor little duck girl
>lifts are identical.
This happens when you're dyel
Post stats. Can you even 3 plate squat?
yo that duck on the right has an ankle monitor.
this aint his first offense
Good for cutting in my experience. My lifts went down. I wouldn't do it long term. Maybe 3 months on 3 months off.
> was using keto to get down to 200lb but quarantined and my fat ass messed it up.
if it helps you stick to your calorie goal better than eating carbs, it's probably better than eating carbs. strictly speaking it's suboptimal to anyone interested in gym performance/physique since carbs are required to:
1. replenish glycogen stores (expect this to tank your performance if you are past the beginner stage)
2. prevent post-workout catabolism (can pose muscle loss risks when approaching slightly above single digit bodyfat %)
many get stuck in a diet plateau, try keto and are wowed at the results. most of these people had dietary adherence issues, mistook rapid water weight loss due to decreased carbs as fat loss, or both.
forget supposed benefits about preferentially burning fat and other stuff like that. the effects due to this after accounting for CICO are negligible and inconsequential.
this was the missing piece of info from that video. almost invariably, ketofags are dyel and weak. you can't get away with zero carbs after the noob stage
Where's Gosling when you need him
you retards know you can just drink 20g of dextrose before you go lift and get all the benefits of ketosis and glycosis at the same time right? Not even going to bother trying to convince you that this is a non issue once you're properly fat adapted.
>inb4 no olympic athlete does keto!
yeah no shit, why would a world class athlete go on an extremely restrictive diet plan? That hurts performance short term? They exercise non stop so their insulin sensitivity is diamonds and they can handle carbs just fine.
>1. replenish glycogen stores (expect this to tank your performance if you are past the beginner stage)
simply not true, if you're fat adapted your body will become much better at sparing glycogen and you'll replenish what glycogen does get used up by via gluconeogensis
proof + explanation here:
>2. prevent post-workout catabolism (can pose muscle loss risks when approaching slightly above single digit bodyfat %)
again this simply doesn't happen once you're properly fat adapted, and if you're still worried about this simply drink a glass of milk after your workout, all of the carbs will go straight to your glycogen stores and you'll stay in ketosis. Protein Sparing Modified Fasts work absolutely amazing for getting single diet shredded and they literally are an extreme variation of keto.
Just do your own research instead of coming to this board for advice, most people know fuck all but pretend to be experts
anyway the main reason to do keto is not weightloss but just general life style improvements imo, I have no issue losing weight in glycosis or ketosis, but cutting out all grains and nearly all sugar made me feel a lot better mentally and cleared up my acne, eczema, OCD and improved my mental focus and sleep, try it out and see how you feel user, some people thrive on keto, others don't.
don't think it's really reasonable to expect me to watch 41 minutes of video, but maybe you can watch the 3 minute video i linked at the end of my post. pay particular attention to point #3 (around the 2:05 mark) as it;s the only point of mine you didn't respond to.