Brutal moggs

Brutal moggs

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Does having such a small head make him less intelligent?

joe rogan is such a fucking manlet like i know hes
5'8 but when i watch his podcast i think hes a normal human
but when i see him like this A FUCKING MANLET A FUCKING NIGGER

There are a lot of people who think Joe Rogan is actually 5'4" and lies about his height. I got Mandela'd into believing he was like 6'1" watching UFC years ago.

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This just goes to show all you people that are insecure about their height and balding it doesn't matter. Look at joe, a lot of people like to hate on him but you cant deny he achieved a lot and he can kick any ones ass literally.

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his head is huge compared to his body tho

Why does he look so small bros?
He is 5'8" thats not even that tragic but the dude looks like hes around 5'3" lmao

But not compared to Alex Jones

he lies about his height, probably 5'6 with shoes on

>those legs

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I think hes even shorter desu

that aint saying much

>Noi will never crush your skull between her thighs

This is why you don’t fall for the lifting meme as a manlet. Anyone under 5’10 should be cardio only, or just transition to a woman

Lanklet cope.

5’8 skellymode:
attract men and cute fags
5’8 after lifting:
attract absolutely no one and look like a fat

Faggot cope

>not knowing about joe's spinning back kick

If Alex Jones is 5'10", there's no way in hell Joe Rogan is 5'8". He looks closer to 5'5", or even less.

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Shit. Then Jones is less than 5'10" and Rogan is wearing lifts as always.



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This looks like those pictures comparing modern humans to Neanderthals or some shit like that. They don't even look like the same species.

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all i ever wanted was a b new benz truck

He couldnt kick my ass.

Im 6 foot 2. 200 pounds. Size over skill

This is a really good shop lmao

Rogan is 5'6 max.

Alex is a tank

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No its not. Look at Alex's neck. Its clearly edited.

holy fuck she aged like shit

6' doesn't make you a giant.

>Size over skill
If two people of equal skill go at it, then the bigger would probably win. Otherwise, you're wrong. My Maui Thai Trainer was about 130lbs and had no issue kicking the shit out of much larger people.

>I'm 6'2 my chin's made of fucking iron
The ultimate fucking cope. Same user, even bigger guys would get fucking man-handled like children by my manlet coach while clinching.