Living off of Chicken

why shouldn't I eat an entire chicken every day? It gives me all the calories I need for the whole day and is like 80% protein. What could go wrong?

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I used to know a guy that ate an entire rotisserie chicken and a 6 pack of V8 juice every day.

He was fat and balding but he seemed like he had a lot of energy.

There's no reason not to. Just make sure you get in your micros from lots of healthy fruit and veg. Could probably do with milk/eggs for some fat too.

i've been thinking about a pure protein diet too

Everyone please take a moment to say thank you to your local janny. Janny work is under appreciated and payless. There were 1064 bans givin out today. It gets very tiresome dealing with the constant threats and vitriol. Thank you for your time.

Im gunna need everyone to start behaving a bit more like adults.

Keto >>>>>>>>>> trash >>>>>>>> everything else

maybe because eating the same fucking thing every day is boring and unnecessary

You'll just get really sick of it. Ask me how I know. But yeah, do it as long as you can put up with it.

I have been eating around 600g of chicken breast every day for the past 4 weeks. It does get stale fast, especially if you're not creative in how you cook it. Other than that make sure to eat things that help you with taking a shit. High-protein diets really clog you up.

You're back OP

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Get some papaya/pineapple juice drinks from the Mexican aisle at your grocery store. It's labeled "necatar". Drink that while eating meat, and the enzymes in the juice help digest that protein.
>it's true

>maybe because eating the same fucking thing every day is boring and unnecessary
>You'll just get really sick of it. Ask me how I know
You sound like a child. I have eaten the same vegies most nights my entire life. Potato, carrot, beans and broccoli and meat which was often sausages. It is actually one of my favourite things to eat despite it having been more than half of the meals in my life. My little sister is less of a little bitch than you anons

I ate a rotisserie chicken each day for a few months. I made some serious gains.

Just make sure to supplement your meals with some veggie capsules to make sure you are getting the necessary vitamins/minerals.

Okay, post your body, since you're already calling people names. Show us what your dedication has earned you. Btw, potato, carrot, beans and broccoli and meat which was often sausages is a whole lot different than eating chicken everyday.

Emphasis on the unnecessary part user. You could get the same nutrients from sometging else every once in a while and actually develop something like culture and tatse, instead of eating like a retard every single night of your life. Don't fear what you don't know user, I believe in you.

You have to eat an ENTIRE chicken

humans tend to get most of their iron from red meat, so as long as you're getting enough iron from other places it shouldnt be an issue

>is a whole lot different than eating chicken everyday.
True atleast it has some variety but my point still stands. Why is it that everyone wants pics
>something like culture and tatse
I've never really understood this, food is fuel and I enjoy the natural flavor of most food. Not to say I've never tried food form other cultures just it all comes out the same, at the end of the day flavour of food is bottom of the list of things to worry about. I go for simple and cheap because I'm a tight ass and would rather get ahead in life than spend my money on overpriced food.

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chicken's fatty acid profile is trash, plus all the antibiotics and hormonal concerns too, which are stored in fat, make it one of the worst animal products out there
lean breast occasionally is fine though

Dude, if you're happy with it then godspeed. I think you're missing out on a whole world of experiences of taste and aroma that way, but whatever keeps you going man. Cheers.

Because it is nice to know who is insulting you for getting tired of eating chicken everyday.

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>It is actually one of my favourite things to eat
user, you get that's why you like to eat that particular meal, right? You actually enjoy the food, for flavor or whatever other reasons. I doubt there's many people who would rate rotisserie chicken as one of their favorite things to eat. It is hard to eat everyday because most people don't particularly like it to begin with, at least not enough to make it a daily ritual. It is likely much more bland than your sausage and veggie soup, too.

If you add 1 can of sardines (in water) and a small piece of liver everyday you will be doing very well. No need for veggies.

And if that’s not enough calories for the day, add some grass fed butter.

Why not eat something else though? Why just those things?

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Of course you can, but me and OP might like eating simply and if you eat the liver raw you won’t even have to cook. Chicken doesn’t do it for me personally. Red meat is the best. I have never felt better than when I live off red meat, raw liver, grass fed butter and sardines.

>That utter lack of ass
>No visible traps (could just be angle)
Shameful. Next time you go to the gym (probably 2022 at this rate), do some actual lifts. Like squats or deadlifts.

>not eating your chicken bones
Never gonna make it

Thanks fren, I actually solved the problem by eating two kiwi at night before bed, and three glasses of lukewarm water once i wake up.
Makes me shit like no other
Also olive oil on my salad

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milord i have noticed you have donned a new moniker, i assume you are still training uninterrupted?