Hey guys. How do I stop wanting to kill myself

Hey guys. How do I stop wanting to kill myself.

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By usurping a desire more a powerful and awe-strangling hold than killing yourself.

takes shrooms meet your pagan ancestors see the world as a jungle become a pirate lift weights spread tyranny

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the feeling just goes away
there isn't really a simple answer
just habits that make it make it harder for you to feel that way again

A man chooses what he is enslaved to, user. Pick a master.

I am going to die alone and a virgin and nobody will even find my body for weeks.

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i used to think like this but after some research i find out that a dead human body smells terrible so someone, animal or other thing will find you, don't worry user

If you kill yourself, you will no longer feel the need to kill yourself, it's easy.

you spelt "pussy" wrong.

What is it for you?

You spelt "spelled" wrong, bong.

For the birds and the trees, are they not good enough for you?

I want to but I'm stuck at home and live with my parents right now

Now I understand the suicidal thoughts

No clue user. I feel like I'm stuck in life.

They're pretty nice. Something in my mind doesn't allow me to see it. Perhaps it's all the shitty things I have seen and experienced

Ignore these teenagers.

Your crisis is a spiritual one, so your solution is spiritual also. You don't know yourself and you suffer for it. You don't know why you do things that you know hurt you in the long run, or even the short run. Nothing really makes you happy, thing seem pointless.

Investigate non-duality and the truth of no-self user. The journey to freedom is a journey to within, All around you there is an unconscious mind-programming going on, people convincing themselves that family, possessions, partners and experiences provide happiness. In convincing themselves they must convince other also. But do you see a bunch of happy people around you? You have been fooled for all you life.


John S Mills says
>Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so. The only chance is to treat, not happiness, but some end external to it, as the purpose of life. Let your self-consciousness, your scrutiny, your self-interrogation, exhaust themselves on that; and if otherwise fortunately circumstanced you will inhale happiness with the air you breathe, without dwelling on it or thinking about it, without either forestalling it in imagination, or putting it to flight by fatal questioning.

I would say read more, find your role models in literature, and emulate the change you want to see in the world.

physical health ties in with mental health a lot. 8 HOURS OF GOOD SLEEP. Catch a decent amount of sunshine, eat healthy, cardio everyday, lots of sex, no masturbation.

be kind to others, check in with your family. find a charity that isn't run by thieving bastards and spare what you can, adopt a donkey or something.

If all else fails, rely on your faith in God and persevere while his good grace catches up to you. Good luck, user

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based and dare i say it, redpilled

>If all else fails, rely on your faith in God and persevere while his good grace catches up to you

what a defeatist position. No one has time to wait for God, God must be pursued with all your heart every day. No amount of waiting will do. Realise God NOW!

Listen here you little shit. I don't know about a lot of spirtual-mumbo, but here's my take:

The only way to get shit done in this world is to be genuine, decisive, and lots of motherfucking self-respect.

Out of all the stupid shit that's gonna have to happen, you have to know what you want and ACTUALLY want what you want.

If you fail to keep commitments to yourself, you're shitting yourself, and if you shit yourself, you lose respect for yourself, and yourself doesn't recognize you as it's boss.

Yeah that's right, you gotta respect yourself too so you get to boss yourself around to do shit.

Establish a reputation with yourself and be that someone you'd die for in a heartbeat.

There is no defeat in patience friend

Lol. What a recipe for depression. Sure, try to get a lot of "shit done" and take a critical look: are you happy? It's metaphysically impossible to be happy with that attitude, because happiness does not work like that at ALL. Sure, it's important to pursue something meaningful in life and have a self-esteem, but neither of those can provide lasting happiness and peace.

This is the equivalent of giving lifting advice when you don't even lift. You haven't researched this at all, yet you give others advice that you have gotten from someone else and never even tested it to be true.

Would you rather have a better life or have no life?

If the former, take steps to improve yourself.
If the latter, kys.

yes, patience in pursuit. Patience only will provide zero results.

mushrooms incited suicidal thoughts in me shut the fuck up

Solid advice man. I will take this into consideration. Thank you

maybe the universe was trying to tell you something

Delete that file and replace it with this one

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If you kys you literally fail life, something 80iq niggers arentn even a big enough failire to do. So user, set some goals and achive Them. You can make it my troubled friend.

Pic unrelated.

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You wanker, happiness isn't the end-all to be sustained perpetually. That's what drugs are for, unless you really mean it, you'd find yourself "happy" in a gutter somewhere in a tracksuit soaked in piss and filth.

You're one of those faggots who over-simplify the raw complexity of human emotion by asking questions like: Are you Happy? with a mono "Yes" or "No" response.

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you started something that you didn't finish. Eat em again

Alright mate, I would say at the moment install simple disciplines into your life. These can be extremely small and can be increased in small increments. I mean you could get up and do your bed straight away. i understand that you are probably not motivated and sad but its something you just have to throw yourself into. You gotta do it, at least you can find something meaningful in it. Try your best to eat more healthily if you are not already. Chicken, wholegrains, vegetables and some fruits.

But slowly man take it easy, if your not exercising make sure you get outside to do some. 5 mins man, a 5ims walk. Do something, if you do 'things' your self-esteem may increase and you might feel better. Seek some pro advice man i would say if you need it, all the best user

No. Happiness is not an emotion or a state. It is a metaphysical truth, and once the truth is recognised for good, it cannot be unseen. Until then, you suffer in oscillating intensity

ahah so funny