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her arm is so fucking manly. it's like she has fat NYC construction worker arms and eats hoagies for lunch. her hands are bigger than mine.

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aaaaaahhhh heijeijeijeijei

Stop masturbating and pray to Jesus Christ instead.

Based and Christpilled

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Thats part of the appeal.

>getting a quick test boost
it’s like you retards don’t know about self control

>pray to kike on stick
cringe satan>kike

>believing in God

Life must be so much more fun with an IQ of 90. But yeah, religion is just a Ponzi scheme that doubles as a network/legal defense fund for child molestors. Thankfully religious millennial retards are social outcasts





Reminder that it's been confirmed that low T males are attracted to women who express high T physical characteristics, You fool nobody and sound incredibly pathetic with your "high T" threads.

The only girl itt whose masculine is the one in OP’s pic and its mostly just her arms. The rest are pretty feminine.

You don't get it, do you? The appeal is the challenge of subduing and dominating them.
No man in his right mind wants an actual relationship with these walking mental illnesses.

this isnt a real high test thread, no fatties have been posted

This is the perfect female body, a woman who's gonna gift you an Achilles for a son.

Shoo shoo, shareblue shill


No hate, but it's kinda amusing seeing wrist wraps which are probably for 20kg max, considering the size of her muscles.

Op never said this is a high test thread , he simply said test

Those are the rare ones and i can understand them as i've this too (tho never in muscular disgusting tranny body, I like them tall and thick) but fact is that the vast majority of men who like those women like them in the same way most women like their men.

Who the hell is this?

keep it up, brother

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>26 replies
>not a single black woman
Yas Forums changed


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Also, who is that in the OP?

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2/10 face 1.5/10 body. How distorted your mind need to be to find this attractive? I'll literally fuck pic related over that thing. This is beyond "pussy is a pussy" coomer excuses and must be some kind of extreme fetish desu.

forgot pic

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I'm sorry you can't enjoy it, user.

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