I'm 6ft tall. White. Why am I still virgin?

I'm 6ft tall. White. Why am I still virgin?

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Because you probably have a shit personality

You are skinny, probably very poor and from an eastern european country, so """white"""

you tell me white boy. you scared of them bitches or what

Prolly this
Not him but rejection and embarrassment

prolly cus your face looks stupid. also, that kid is not 6ft tall, looks more like 5'10

You regularly talk to new woman? If not, that’s why.

you make shit threads on image boards

nobody's going to have sex with you just because you're white

You are lazy and have no confidence

Take your socks off and show me the bottoms of your feet.

You look like a guy I once knew, a massive loser junkie. That's probably why you get no ass.

You look really young. Either shave the stache or grow the whole thing out, pick one. Lifting and eating food would help too.

You obviously know what you have to do in order to have sex. Every guy knows this. You know what you have to say, you know how you have to dress, you know how your posture has to be, you know how your face has to be, you know how your hair has to look. Actually take the time and think about it. Having sex with girls in today's society is entirely an option- not a thing by chance

You are not married

you need to be 6ft tall, black, with 9 inch dick. then white bitches will literally fight over you. trust me i know.

you need a better haircut and are very skinny. you're not like super ugly though just lift bro

you look like a child molester

you ain't good looking dude, sorry to tell you

you've got that skeezy look about you, look like you're about to try to sell me some dabs

also you've got man boobs at a skinny weight, clearly have very little muscle mass

Can you elaborate what these things are?

>rejection and embarrassment

it's just words my nigga its all just words, don't ask her out, just shoot the shit and conversate. do this enough times and you get good at it

Nice bait fag I’ve seen the exact same image and question on this board.

Stop asking women out. Like you should never "reveal your feelings" or any of that gay shit hollywood has been forcing down your throat. What you do is
>hey, I'm heading to [restaurant] later, wanna tag along?
She says yes, you have a date (never refer to it as a date during, just as a hangout).
If she says no, your pride is unwounded, since you were going with or without her. Bam, no embarrassment or rejection. Just you doing your own thing with or without her.

Pretty sure the head of my cock is bigger than those baby hands. Wtf.

You look like a bladee fan

here's your answer

That is a manlet, not a six foot man

holy shit those are tiny, and i'm a 5'6 manlet

i would kil myself before having a tv in my room desu


Because you don't talk to women
You literally don't even need to have attractive facial features

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Because women only want one thing:
