I got this today from some boomer that was leaving this out in the rain, $100 bucks for all, did I got scammed?

I got this today from some boomer that was leaving this out in the rain, $100 bucks for all, did I got scammed?

Attached: tetanus...jpg (4032x2268, 1.45M)

$100 doesnt even pay for that much scrap iron
youd be lucky to get this for twice as much not even mentioning the bench

No, you scammed the boomer, so well done.

you did good user. You can't use those oly plates right now though.

>You can't use those oly plates right now though.
why not?

They won't rotate properly on a standard bar. If you have an oly bar you're fine, but there's a reason oly sleeves rotate.

send them to my house ill let you know

You paid 100$ for 150$ worth of plates.
The 45lbs and the 35bls are worth generally 1$/1lb. Yours are pretty fucked up, but if you clean them it'll be fine.
The rest of the weights are pretty much useless as they don't fit on any standard equipment. Also the bench is an unstable and rusted deathtrap.

Basically you got an okay deal for 4 plates, and the rest are dumpster tier.

Hyperbole is not your friend, user.
Cast iron is $85/ton

Wut? He can do everything but Oly lifts.