Day 19 of NOFAP

>day 19 of NOFAP
When does it get easier?

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Ask not for a lighter load but stronger shoulders upon which to carry it.

i'm a week in now and my libido died

when do the futanari wet dreams start

yes (when u get a wife)

I'm 8 days in, I used to be able to go up to one month before I got a gf, I told her I want to wait until marriage because shes a virgin (waiting for her to get out of college), but now I can hardly last a week, in fact this is the longest I've gone for a few months now.
Lord Jesus Christ give me strength

I just relapsed and ruined my 6 day streak. I feel dirty, like I need to take a shower inside my body. An internal shower ... An organ shower. Yeah. I just get really horny after squatting. But post squat is probably the worst time to coom. I think the squats circulate hormones that give you gains, if you coom post squat you are cooming away gains.

You're gonna make it user


>when do the futanari wet dreams start

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You just need to get to the point where the pain of relapse is greater than the pleasure of cooming into your hand.

For me it clicked that the reason my skin and hair we're looking worse was because I keep throwing away my vital energy.

Every one is different tho

Would it make things easier if I were gone, would it make things right if I was never wrong, would it make things easier~

It's been at least that long for me, can't remember and the idea of fapping feels like a chore now

Same user
I’m a week straight and I just ain’t got my horniness anymore
More energy and facial is growing in now

It will get easier, soon... but then it will get harder, then easier again, then incredibly hard, and the easy, and so. At the end it get easier though

no matter what user relapsing is not worth it. remember the shame you felt cooming 3 times a day and how much better you are fighting those demons.
good luck fren I'm right behind you.

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It's weird I've done no fap with a girlfriend for 6 months and for some reason my libido has fallen off completely during the last month.

Do it for Jesus Christ.

Do it for Adolf Hitler.

Never let the jewish rat win. Imagine is soulless eyes, bold head, grotesk hair and rat knows laughing at you when you watch porn.

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what a fag

If you're waiting for it to "become easier", then you might as well give up now. The mindset you have is self-sabotage. It's not some race where it'll become easy once you make it to the finish line.

whenever im on NoFap i get incurable urges to cuddle and kiss


weak niggers can't work, so they need gibs. LMAO

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i absolutely feel you brother. Try the - you may have to read it a few times until you change your thinking

>nofap day 36
>already got vivid sexual dreams halfway with no ejaculation
>scroll through all the slut pics on Yas Forums
>gets bored and goes to workout

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>tfw couldn't last two days

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>this isn't like some willpower method where we tell you facts and just expect you to give up
>its literally that but "feel muh happy about it"
If you're going to read this I would recommend just doing the willpower method because it's the same thing without having to read things you already know

imagine your goals i.e. girlfriend, wife, etc and look at pics of innocent looking girls and what could be (works best for me)
youre gonna make it user im sure

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Day 3, Longest Streak 17 Days. You Can Do It user, We're All Going To Make It.

I found the faggot.

does jerking off to nudes of my girlfriend count as losing? cant see her due to iso

If you're only doing noporn it's ok as long as it's just your gf I reckon.
If you're doing nofap however, well of course you lose idiot, your masturbating.

>lighter load

noporn: no
nofap: yes

Need to blogpost about this. Been doing nofap for sometime now (plan on never fapping again) and I had a dream that played out EXACTLY like a porn, except every once in a while I would look away and see a detached penis just floating there, synchronized with my IRL erections. Then when I came in the girls mouth, my penis was not mine, but rather some kind of purple dildo looking thing. I didn’t wake up with any semen in my pants. I think I beat wet dreams. Anyone have a similar experience?