How do I achieve the 'corn-fed, Midwest gigachad' build natty?

How do I achieve the 'corn-fed, Midwest gigachad' build natty?

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Do farm work on an old fashioned farm

Step one don’t be yourself

Don’t be bald

i want this man buiried to the hilt in my bussy

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Be in the midwest and eat corn.

I'm from the Midwest, my grandad looked like this, and my dad did while he worked on a farm.
>Grandad's routine
Work hard every day it isn't raining from the age of 5, eat like you'll never see food again every time you can, fight in the Korean War. Live peacefully for the rest of your life in shitfuck nowhere Missouri

fuck i wanna go live in mongolia or some shit and just eat pure animal products for a few months

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>anything near China

do farm work, eat food that doesn't have pesticides on it and drink water that doesn't have birth-control piss in it

>kek fuck China

Mongolia is based though

Based, imagine the kefir n shit

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If you look at all these old pics of guys looking kinda muscular but something slightly off, they always have their waistband up over their bellybutton. They're all high body fat and wouldn't look nearly as good without that illusion.

this, I spent an afternoon sitting in the sun drinking raw milk and eating raw pastured eggs once and it was supremely nice feeling.

>eat like you'll never see food again every time you can
That doesn’t work when you have access to walmart retard fatty

>fuck china
The mongols certainly did

Hasn't China only ever won wars against itself?

Where in Missouri?

What's Finland got to do with this?

My dad looks like that and he been a truck driver the past 30 years

Bullshit, he would never have the abdominal strength visible in pic

Have good genetics and lift weights. Farm work will get you absolutely nowhere in terms of physique, it will just beat up your body in the long term.

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You ever climbed in and out of a truck?

anywhere that’s not st. louis

Post dad

nyt vittu

Well y'know, it's called a WAISTband for a reason.

Being born like that. Not even joking, that's how I and most other men in my family look (or in my case, looked) like without training. And we're all either engineers or mechanics.

If you happen to be a manlet, focus on chest, shoulders and triceps. Preferably with full-body exercises like farmer's walk, clubbell swings and the like. Avoid isolation exercises unless you either know exactly what you're doing or want to look like another wannabe bodybuilder.

top kek!