Calisthenics vs Weight Training

>Calisthenics vs Weight Training

Which is better for looks?

Attached: Calisthenicsvsbodybuilding.jpg (1053x563, 135.79K)

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That depends, you wanna be big or dyel?

Steroids is better than both

I want to look like this, except im indian

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Do both and roid

Come train traditional military style tactics in the Jungles of Aryavarta with us user...

That is...

If you're worthy

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You can only be "big" like that autist Phil from FitWorldExposed, manlet

Based Jatt genetics

What do the guys that train for looks do? That's the answer

Which looks better to who? To you? To an ifbb judge? To some roastie you've trying to impress?
Define your target and the answer will be much clearer



For compounds with access to the right tools:
>push up > bench
>OHP > handstand push up
>pull up > pulldown
>bb rows > bw rows
>bb squats > bw squats
>deadlifts > (0)

>implying you'll be able to look like the left

He can be if truly believes in himself man

I mean the guy on the left probably has a great back too.

Naah not even the guy on the left looks like the guy on the left

Underrated post

natty lifting while being lean, you wont even look like you lift

very true, pullups and hard pushup variations are some of the greatest exercises of all time.
pistol squats are difficult to progress further on since adding weight seriously fucks up balance unless you hold it in your arms

this fucker is 44 and all he does is pushup and pullup variations. and he's vegan.
the only problem with BW is that it's not easy to target the medial delts for wider shoulders, so do DB lateral raises too

Attached: goldenarms.png (1240x822, 1.33M)

does this nigger have clavicles? lmfao his shoulders are pinned to his fucking neck

he's got them here

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Hard to do good rear delt work on calisthenics. Those shoulders look so internally rotated.

what about ring face pull

Still looks better than youll ever look in you life faggot


Calisthenics are better functionally and in terms of aesthetics. It is only Americans--with their absurd love of all things tacky and ostentatiously oversized (cars, houses, boobs)--that think otherwise.

you're not wrong about the internal rotation
pullups and australian pullups work the rear delt though, can't expect to be able to isolate every muscle under calisthenics
you'll be able to do something akin to face pulls if you hang rings from a pull up bar

Do you want to actually be able to do things with your body? Calisthenics.

Do you just want to impress roasties? Weight train.

You can do both with calisthenics.

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Just did 50 push up and nearly died