Haven't had sex with a girl since lockdown

>Haven't had sex with a girl since lockdown
>Haven't even been to a club
>Stuck doing shitty bodyweight training
>Starting to get blue balls

I'm famished, lads.

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>haven’t had sex with a girl since 1995

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Fuck off mate, i haven't had sex with a girl since i broke up with my gf 9 months ago bc i'm ugly.

Blue balls are from focusing on the hornt, divert that energy elsewhere. Bodyweight training can always progress even if it doesn’t get you huge, use bands, do handstand shit, sprints, don’t get memed user this is the time to get ahead while everyone is falling back. Read good books, study a new field to hustle side money the world is yours if only you would reach out and take it

>Haven't had sex since I was born

REEEEEEEEEE get out normie

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Fuck, only being able to text women makes me so frustrated I don't know how to deal with this.

Inb4 the incels shit up this thread

I feel you user, I can't use grindr anymore. Not being able to bust a nut after exercise hurts.


Dude that's for gays

lmao loser


You had sex the day you were born?

Yeah I'm bi. Men are so much easier to deal with and fuck though

I wish I were a Yas Forums bi man I would fuck everything.

>Yas Forums

Checks out, carry on

It's the greatest, there's no bullshit. Finish a workout, open grindr
>"hey you're hot, wanna fuck?"
>"yeah meet me"
>be fucking 15 minutes later

Give yourself a homo pass. During quarantine everyone is allowed a little homo

>possibly getting aids and poo on your dick

No thanks

what, you don't use condoms the first time you have sex with someone?

Not all gay sex is butt sex bro. The overwhelming majority of men I've fucked give WAY better head than any woman.

Don't like the sound of fucking some guy's hairy ass unless its a shemale.


Normies like you are very odd to hear complaining. I haven't had any romantic contact with a girl ever. Never even held hands. I hugged a girl who was my friend once before quarantine started though, so maybe I am making some sort of progress.

I am 6'2' 165 ish so I can't be that ugly I hope.

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If you are a virgin you have no right to comment on this thread

Lost my virginity to a prostitute

*dabbing pepe in a suit meme*

dude you are based. be a light in this dark sex driven world

I've been so horny that I bought one of these.
It came today, and I'm really looking forward to trying it. It's much tighter and softer than I expected

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where the fuck do you live that the gym is closed?


you just wake up from a coma bro?


Not based, just autistic probably. Don't like spending unnecessary time with people.

Gas all the resolutioners who bought out the weights and will sell them a few months later saying "Only used once!" while I sit here using pipes and some old 1' plates I found while benching on the basement floor

Fuck them, I know these faggots aren't using them.

And fuck the super niggers selling weights for 6$ pr lb on fucking craiglist, I will surpass them all with my honor and intergrity intact.

still unintentionally based

You're gross too, but still want a girl to touch you and suck your gross dick.