How are the British not all dead?

Bonglards make Amerifats look like amateurs.

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Don't do this to me baby, i'm cutting and i want french fries fuckkk

virgin US sugar vs chad UK saturated fat

word on the street is even napkins in america have sugar in them

luv me chips
luv me Greggs
luv me gravy

simple as

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I like it. Wish I was British.

Munchie boxes are Yas Forums, just look at all that protein


based and gammon-pilled

What's the brownish thing there?

i dont know what im even looking at in this pic
it doesnt register as food to me

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I think they are
>French fries

>2 sauces (probably sweet chili and some kind of hummus by the looks of things)
>chicken in the middle
>some paki shit on the left
fucking uncultured poofs

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Scottish edition

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>fookin chips
>fookin doner meat
>fookin salad
>fookin onion bajis
>fookin chicken bits
>fookin sweet and sour sauce
Now fook off

I thought they were all scottish? Or can you get them up north aswell?

Scottish breakfast

Attached: scottish-breakfast.jpg (550x308, 45.05K)

lmao they took the classic full english and made it gay

Only gays and poofs eat hash browns, real men eat haggis and black pudding.

>some kind of brown and orange fried shapes
>fried potatoes (ngmi if you think this counts as food)
>what looks kind of like pasta with really dry old marinara sauce on it
>are those potatoe peels?
>some leaves (again, ngmi)

kek uncultured yank spotted

donner kebab

it's really fucking hard to find decent food in the UK, even just like decent tasting. It's like aggressively bland and greasy everywhere. Your best hope is charcuterie.
Don't even get me started on their lack of normal coffee

just go to the chippy you fucking nonce

mate grease is the fucking flavor
mmmmmmMMMMMMMMM grease.

yfw fried butter is a real thing

Pooftah drink. Have a mug of tea lad.

cringe. where in the uk are you

luv me fry up

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I wish I could get Irn bru ini the states

That is the best shit

I can't speak for Ireland but even London was rough, Edinburgh was the best city for food/drink that I visited. I admire Liverpool for their feral nightlife though.

Fookin lush

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