Cheat meal thread

Post cheat meals

Bouta have a whole cheat day in 3 weeks. Most things are homemade
waffles, pancakes, and chicken, chicken fried steak w/gravy, sausages, and bacon with a bowl of fruit
quesadillas or burrito or a couple burgers
Sushi buffet or pizza(homemade too)

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it's always sushi
the shitty spicy tuna rolls with that paste shit and the crispy bits in it
the sushi that people tease you for ordering

How is burrito and hamburger cheat day? Especially if home made.

I’ve never been teased for the sushi I order. I just get what I know I like and what looks good, I actually couldn’t even tell you the different types but from memory could point out which I like. I load up my plate with that shit and go to town before refilling. I’ve yet to find any I don’t like. Some wasabi filled sushi would be good, I’m sure it’s a thing I’ve just never had sushi with the wasabi IN the roll

Because it’s in addition to all the other shit I’m eating bro. The burrito I’m going ham on and making it the size of 2-3 chipotle burritos combined, with 10x as much cheese. If I can’t make it as one it’ll have to multiple normal sized ones. Oh and I’m putting it in a pan with some oil to make it crisp so there’s that. The burgers would actually be semi healthy since I use bison meat, it’s just the overall calorie intake for the day equating to 5000+ maybe even 10000

>at home
>eggs benedict
>apple cider

>any cheap pizza place
>stuffed crust Hawaiian pizza
>boneless honey bbq wings
>root beer

>sushi restaurant
>tempura udon
>sashimi platter
>some unhealthy sushi roll

evening snacks:
>Colorado bulldog
>hot cheetos
>hot pockets
>grilled bologna and pickle sandwich
>sweet tarts
>cookie dough ice cream

would never actually go this far, but im cutting right now and its my fantasy

>bowl of fruit
I thought it was supposed to be a cheat day so why are you being a faggot

Well I’m actually going as far as what I mentioned in the OP, may change it but it’s a loose template for the day. I’m having a cheat meal every milestone I hit in this cut. At 230lbs, then at 210lbs, then at 190lbs, and when I’m done at 185lbs one last one before going maintenance mode for a bit. Probably gonna either smoke pot/eat some edibles or just drink some beers too just to enhance the day of being a glutton (both are things I cut out months ago). Any time I get a craving I add it to one of my 4 cheat days, I don’t really get them often though

Fuck you fruit is great you fag. If it helps some of the pancakes and waffles will have cheese and possibly bacon in them.

>any cheap pizza place
>stuffed crust
Only one pizza place does that and it's Pizza Hut far from cheap pizza unless you mean it saves them money not you the customer

little caesars has it too for sure. i dont get pizza a lot so im not sure exactly where they do and dont have it

>it’s just the overall calorie intake for the day equating to 5000+ maybe even 10000

just stop nigga

Digiornos does too but frozen pizza is ass. Chain pizza is alright but I prefer homemade healthier pizza


why do I have to cope for deciding to eat 1-3 lb of caloric gain in a single day? you're not a strongman

>why do I have to cope
Fuck off I'm not your therapist.

God these threads are absolutely shit. You know guys, you can eat trash 3 times a day and still have a great body shape, the thing is, the more trash you eat the more time you will have to spend working out ... God ...

the purpose of the thread is to post food you like not to argue about if its beneficial

In my experience I just do better in general eating super healthy/autistically and then on occasion eating the garbage I like. Artistically tracking macros and preparing my own fresh foods also enables me to eat random shit while out with friends without having to think twice or feel guilty in any way. This is what works for me, I’m OP btw
I mean mostly but everyone’s open to their opinions, no matter how wrong they are or gay it makes the poster look. I’m viewing it as a thread bump

I've been planning by making a list of everything I wish I could eat. I've lost 20lbs since February with no bad urges but I plan to have a post quarantine cheat day.

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damn thats vague

Everything else is based

That's shit I just never think of when I have a chest meal. Just a shopping list, not sure what I'll be in the mood for


Yep food sure is cringe. I haven't had a bowl of normie cereal in over 6 years. I think it's time to see what's new.

Cheat day? What does that mean?

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Post body. If you look better than I do, I'll cancel my plan.

your cheat day should not be an eating competition, retard

zero pecs zero triceps

this is a man who uses drugs btw

Suck my swollen and bruised left nut lmao
I know what you were trying to say but it’s not a competition. Also when you’re taller than 5’5” 5000 calories once in a blue moon really isn’t that much

>this is a man who uses drugs btw
Shut up you faggy kike go get gassed

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