Is it true that Eddie did liposuction for his abs? Its always looked suspicious

Is it true that Eddie did liposuction for his abs? Its always looked suspicious

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He has huge abs because not only is he strong as hell, all the HGH he took made his organs grow so he constantly looks pregnant.

>fucked up abs
yikes and cringe-pilled, no reason to even go low BF with zipper abs

Visible abs
0 arms veins
I don't know user

the man used to waste his days doing hot/cold treatments for literally hours...I'm sure he's done everything

>HGH gut myth
Shut the fuck up you less than 1.5 year lifting kike

Yeah he got liposuction. Also photoshops himself in his photos to make his forearms bigger. Pretty sad desu

Don’t forget claiming to be 6’3” when he’s 6’ max

>pecs still look flabby
>No veins or striations ANYWHERE
>still fat as fuck in the face
>somehow has abs

Yeah pretty sure he got Lipo. Just watch him online and see how vain he is, he comes across as the type of guy to lipo his abs

Yea the mystery of Eddie's physique is an interesting one. I didn't follow his youtube but it definitely seemed like he went from full blown strongfat, to suddenly having a tight, dry midsection (exclusively), and now he's in full palumbo bloatmode, ninja turtle abs

His current mode

Yea desu. Poor Eddie. I guess he's a millionaire so whatever

Damn what a bloated midsection.

Attached: nauseated-face.png (256x256, 54.82K)

Looking better than it was a couple months ago desu

What happened to his abs?? Wish I could know what drugs did this to him

hes at or just a bit before midpoint, but hell probably never get that veiny look without doing years of dieting, like terry hollands, to get rid of that excess skin.

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Dude scarred himself across his eye to look like a hard cunt. Mans a huge vain faggot of course they've been worked on

Lee is known for only using roids and never going to anything heavier. You can see in his bulk: it's natural looking fat over the muscle. Eddie's turtleshell abs are different. There's not a whole lot of blubber on top. It doesn't look natural. The abs are still right there, but it's like his organs underneath are what's increased in size.

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We can all agree that Thor's tattoos are less cringey

Reminder that tattoos and roids are for effeminate losers.

"Effeminate" is probably the wrong angle. Feels like an envy driven low blow. "For faggot losers" is probably the appropriate criticism

i was just using that bf percentage as an example from coming off of a bulk. hall was on everything that he could get his hands drug wise. add that in with training for strength and not physique, you get roid gut with abs built to squat 400kg and pull 500kg. the op photo was when he was doing like 5hrs of cardio a day to lean up so he wouldn't die in 3 years

Basically, if you roid, take hgh and eat enough food you'll permanently distend your abdomen. His face is also permanently fucked up, he permanently has a head like a watermelon from roid bloat.

And all the eddie hall dick suckers laud his physique by claiming he's "380lbs with abs" when he looks like absolute fucking shit with a 50 inch waist.

He was looking pretty good mid last year when he'd first finished his cut. But palumboism seems to have set in. Best wishes for the guy. Hope he figures his shit out

Well yeah he fucking blew up to 400lbs, your waist is never coming back from that.

His mode 9 months ago. What the fuck happened

Attached: 5408726-6316731-image-m-3_1540482742715.jpg (634x576, 47.73K)

Still doesn't explain popping abs on a dude that doesn't even have chest striations. Like c'mon, you can barelly see the muscle bellies on his legs, he's fat as fuck, just got lipo on his abs.

And Thor got a hair transplant. C'mon these dudes are celebrities as much as athletes. If I was them I'd use every girly trick in the book too, to keep my social media flowing. It's money. I'd put on lipstick and a dress if that's what the public expected and paid for

to be fair it's not like the lighting in the video is good. everyone looks pale

Yea, true. Another ironic thing about that video in particular is that it got Eddie a ton of views. He, and that guy he's with, had a great chemistry, were guy laughing and having a great time the whole day. It was a big step in the growth ladder for Eddie's channel. And he looks the worst he ever has in it.

Recently he did a video with Devon Larratt, and the whole thing felt awkward to me. Don't know what's going on with that. Surprised to see he and Devon have bad chemistry. Hope he makes the best of it all

He's fucking in his gut.
I wouldn't be surprised if that's the best vacuum he could do.

I mean *sucking
Usually autocorrect does the inverse.

No, you don't get it. That's not all it is