/plg/ Powerlifting General

>Light Weights Work Too Edition
The Powerlifting general the strongest general on 4channel

>The official pastebin

>What is depthprivilege?

>How to lowbar squat by Alastair MacNicol

>How to squat with Chris Duffin

>How to deadlift with Chris Duffin

>How to bench press with Mark Bell

>How to build a big bench by C. Lutz

>How to bench press by PTW

>How to piss off Isley

Additional videos and reading on benching, squatting, deadlifting, bands, accessories, etc., can be found in the pastbin.

>Trips PRs Pastebin

>Intermediate Programs not totally shit on every thread
Blevins Skynet AI
The Bridge
Smolov Jr.
The Cube (+ Predator)
Juggernaut Method 2.0
Destroy the Opposition

Full list see the pastebin

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Traps are gay

So are trips.

You never see 5thSet shit on much and it's been in the OP forever, but the base macrocycle as written takes 6 months before you're at the end of the peak so I'd be surprised if anyone here has ran it out fully before. Swede likes his Russian long-term programming but damn.

I've done it. It's one of the best long-term programs to grind for a late intermediate

Adding a light day to SS is dumb as fuck

Interesting. I'll add it, the only reason I didn't was because I couldn't remember any discussion being had about it before in the general. All the rest I remember for the most part having neutral remarks about it at least at some point. I'll throw 5th up there as well next time since a couple of you have remarked positively about it.

Especially if you're smart about the MSM, and the secondary bench day.

Threadly, but non-spamming, clearly relevant, specifically on topic, greatly informative, 100% sincere and not trolling, high quality, non-avatar-fagging, and otherwise rule abiding reminder for you unlifting user CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip, and that Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself. This is the only way anyone will believe anything you have to say about anything. And only if you demonstrate at least one of the following:
>A squat in excess of both 2.5 times bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A deadlift in excess of both 2.5 time bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A bench press in excess of both 1.5 times bodyweight AND 350 lbs
>A The Press in excess of both body weight AND 220.462 lbs
>A body that Yas Forums won't roundly criticize (good fucking luck)
If you can't manage at least one of these, shut the fuck up, go to the gym, and try harder.

Thank you.

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UPDATED LIST OF PLG APPROVED ACRONYMS (Arcane Ciphers Of Never Yielding Muscularity), Part 1. Post, but don't spam, in every thread.

>GDE (Genetic Dead End)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

>HANK (Hambuilt Asian, Non-Kompetitive)
Obese Asian manlet with a baby carrot penis. Doesn't compete, doesn't even lift, and is insanely jealous of those who do. LARPs as a BONER to cope.

>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)
Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.

>CHODE (Communist Homo Of Dick Eating)
Angry, godless little postmodernists who secretly loathe strong, masculine men who won't fuck their boybutt. Some transition into ugly rat faced pedos, others defend said CHODES. Also known as PHAGs (Projecting Homo Ass Goblins)

>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.

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This is for insulting my 520+ squat you fucker.

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Gentlemen, gentlemen please. We're all homo.

Part 2:
>UFO (Under Fed Organism)
Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.

>user (Anonymous Nard Obtusely Nattering)
A noodlebuilt little wuss of a human. Hobbies include LARPing as someone who actually lifts and not posting body/lifts. Can be safely disregarded in all matters.

>SUMO (SUbhuman MOron)
Too stupid and/or genetically deficient to just bend over and pick something up. Copes through a combination of clowning half reps and eating butt.

>PLAGUE (PowerLarder Absent Generally Useful Equipment)
Communists shut his gym down. Now he lifts weights made out of random shit he put together from the Home Depot in a cow pasture while plotting his vengeance.

>COVID (Coofing Oriental Very Infectious Dicksucker)
Mentally and emotionally deficient Chinaman who unleashed the Shangai Sniffles on the world in order to close gyms and rob The Lifting of their gains, out of sheer jealousy that he could never be the caliber of human they are. Thinks bats = lunch.

>CUCC (Cuckold Uninjured Crying Canadian)
Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.

Homosapiens. Yeh.


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You're just mad because you ain't got DEM D I G I T S
Check it

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Very nice.

god absolutely damn it I just snapped my shit on lmao 4pl8 deads

not even the stones what the hell. Guess it's good timing in a way as long as I don't have to go to the hospital about it.

Post LIFTS to qualify for a trip and/or to have an opinion. You need video evidence of at least one of the following:

>A The Press in excess of 315lbs(3pl8)
>A bench press in excess 405 lbs(4pl8)
>A squat in excess of 495 lbs(5pl8)
>A deadlift in excess of 585lbs(6pl8)

If you can't manage at least one of these, shut the fuck up, go to the gym, and try harder.


>GDE (Genetic Dead End)
Self Explanatory

>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

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They wouldn't let you in anyway.

What happen

not true

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I'm sick of RPE
Give me a routine that just tells me what to do


there are no cases here.

5th rep 2nd set low back just popped and had to kneel down for like 2 minutes. This has happened before, like a year ago at 405 as well. Cursed weight.

5th set

405 killed Sean's (Hanks) spine too

Looks gay as hell

do your own

Welcome to powerlifting

if it makes you feel better, I know a guy who used to pull 6pl8 before twisting on the toilet while wiping his ass and crippling his back for 5 years

The last time this happened was caused by me sitting on a too-soft couch for too long and the next day I had to crawl out of bed. So I'm not upset about the cause, just that it happened.

>before twisting on the toilet while wiping his ass and crippling his back for 5 years
good thing I go between my legs and wipe back to front these days

obviously preaching to the choir here but situations in which you're braced and prepared are very rarely what cause injury. I don't know what the moral of the story is here but it's part of the reason I got a standing desk, can't really relax while working


>twisting on the toilet while wiping his ass and crippling his back for 5 years
I fucked my back and had to twist the other way to wipe my ass for a bit. I now naturally wipe on that side after doing it for a month and a half.

Main work
High rep targeted assistance
Accessory shit
Log it all and see PRs

You're a cock gobbler.

>his arms can still reach behind his back
youre not eating enough, benching enough, or both

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If you can walk after 2 minutes it's probably not that bad
Still sucks though