How to boost my testosterone levels? Also which one is the best testosterone booster?

How to boost my testosterone levels? Also which one is the best testosterone booster?

Attached: testosterone_benefits.jpg (699x400, 69.56K)

eat eggs and meats and veggies
lose all the fat you have - this is key
lift or do calisthenics at least

sun your testes and take pine pollen

do we really need a "how to boost test" thread like this every fucking ten minutes?

yes, we do

Work out
Eat meat.
Don't watch porn.
Sleep a lot.
Reduce stress.

Pull yourself together user

have sex
have sex

>How to boost my testosterone levels?
intramuscular injection

>Also which one is the best testosterone booster?
testosterone enanthate


Attached: van.png (312x245, 87.25K)

Lose body fat and dont drink alcohol

if alcohol lowers test, why do I wanna fuck so much when I have a few drinks? answer me THAT, einstein.

Don't skip leg day

If you aren't predisposed to high T levels, you might as well start shooting up tren/T. Unless you live in some nignog neighborhood or are in an out of prison, there's a high possibility your body will be producing little to no T. There is no supplement that'll jack up your T levels by 5000%.

women like to fuck a lot when they a few drinks

Dude, I had trouble keeping my dick hard on my first time recently. I was also low libido beforehand. Didn't feel the need to masturbate throughout all of January. I recently started eating better, more onions, veggies ZMA, ginger and started getting strength gains and my wanking came back. I'm still burdened by that fuckup I had with the girl. She left me, btw. I really need to get my test levels checked.

>tfw live in nignog neighborhood

Why would this make my test high?

Nignogs (feral niggers, not the smart ones) are often high T due to their environments


If I want hat 0.1% increase then fuck you I'm taking it everyone makes it however the fuck they want

stop stimulating your brain with short term high stimulus. then you'll be able to sleep, and then you'll have gains

newsflash bucko, taking cold showers, eating crickets and sleeping without a pilllow to boost you T by 0.0001% isn't going to solve any of your problems you fucking idiot.

just fucking inject testosterone or get some toremifene faggot

Hey user, I gotta say what you described is exactly like the first time I tried. It was fucking awful, and I thought about it all the time for almost a year. But what happened is I found a better girl, got my head right and had no problems. it was all in my head. It’s pretty common to be like that first time, probably more common if your a fag on a venezuelan basket weaving forum so don’t sweat it.

Everyone saying "lmao just take T" isn't considering: fertility, using T means you need to use it for life (body stops making even what it was), cost/expense (unless you're some bulldyke who wants to call herself Doug, insurance doesn't often cover TRT), etc. There are tons of factors why it isn't the easiest answer.

fucking same on my first time. luckily she worked with me and i found it out if we do certain positions my dick gets rock hard.

it's really just nervousness user. i got to the point where i could fap 6 days of the week to weird fetish porn and on the 7th day have sex three times in a row. really depends on your mental state

yes, absolutely

100mg of zinc every day

So my doctor (im pretty good friends with him since we were kids) has said if i want to get on trt he will forge my test results and get me on a very high dose.

Are there any health risks to this? Im 26.

if you are deficient in Zinc it will lower test. so take Zinc.
Vitamin D3+Vitamin K2 - essential. You need vitamin D3. K2 works synergistically with Vitamin D3.

He wants to check your prostate with both his hands on your shoulders.
>since you were young

Leg days, sleep, balanced diet, lose fat.

this legs are a big muscle group training them will boost testosterone

Lean, musclular , eating healthy , lifting a lot. Still no morning woods. Should i visit a doctor?