Rate natty physique? Taken this morning zero food zero water flat af

Rate natty physique? Taken this morning zero food zero water flat af

Stats are 6’2” 205lbs

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Obviously world class you attention seeking faggot

t. dicklet


Post a natty one then we can faggot.

what is the diet and what is the routine, and what is the beginning and end date. When did you start?




Totally made it.
Age & body count?

Attached: Apu Thumb Up.jpg (1000x800, 60.96K)

These are 3 rep maxes
Bench-275lbs(when I was heavier)
Squat: 370lbs
OHP: 175lbs
Deadlift: 425
Pull-up: BW + 55lbs

I have never been very strong. Right now I’m weaker than all those lifts as they were done at my heaviest and chubbier (220lbs or so) I like to train medium volume/mind muscle type

obvious roids. No one with these dog shit lifts has that much muscle.

Been lifting since 2012, went from 115lbs to this through MANY cut and bulks. Tried many routines too (SS, bro splits, layne Norton’s stuff) and I find what works best for me is PPLPPLrest/repeat.

Right now I’m trying to see how lean I can get so eating about 2500 calories, very high protein (1.25x /lb bodyweight), medium carbs and lower fat. Cardio everyday for health and fun.

Thanks brah :)
Age 23 body count 7

Mostly spend time in long term relationships (currently in one, previous one was 2-3 years)

I think it’s the skinny joints desu. My younger brother has much thicker joints than me and is stronger except on pull-ups (though I’m more aesthetic)

Do you actually look leaner if you don't drink for a while? Not days of course, we are talking hours, maybe half a day.
I keep drinking plenty of water like 4-5 liters a day and always feel bloated af

>stronger than this guy
>slightly leaner (6'0 185)
>look like absolute shit compared to him

New natty king of Yas Forums ?

Because he's probably not 6'2" lol

You look exactly like me with 10lbs more muscle

Hey, I have those undies. We should lift in our underwear together some time, like the Greeks used to


Also QTDDTOT newfag.

post dick
For science

You know, there's nothing stopping you from sharing YOUR natty physique, user. No reason to put it in with the other QTDDTOT.

Post body.

This proves it's bait.

cope. i have close to those numbers at 5'8 75kg

Attached: 30052019 (2).jpg (706x689, 61.31K)

Angle and lightfrauding/10

You're not 6'2", you fucking manlet.

lol sorry for your little weiner. didn't mean to strike a nerve. hope you got good tongue game

Physique looks amazing bro, you made it

I'm mirin the whole body, its one of the best ive seen on Yas Forums. Just out of curiousity, how did you bulk? Like what was the highest you were willing to get your bodyfat during a bulk before cutting? I think I may have fucked up my bulk and carried it on for too long, I did gain a lot of muscle but I went over 20% bf and think that might have been a detriment in the long run cause now I'm gonna be cutting for a while

Attached: smooth criminal.jpg (458x438, 25.17K)

Not even OP, silly goose. Why don't you post body? You're not scared of how we'll react, are you?

I'll know if you get a picture from google or instagram, by the way.

ok dicklet. keep this shit in the cbt newfag.

I can drink as much water as I want and not feel bloated, UNTIL I eat food. Once I eat food and I have water in me or if I drink water after eating food I feel my stomach bloating but it does go away after a bit.

How often do you pee and how much do you sweat?

Mirin physique bro looking sick, broad shoulders & thick arms

Pose next time.

>No one with these dog shit lifts has that much muscle
Those lifts are pretty good desu

Hes pretty strong for a dude that lean, and keep in mind that he isnt a powerlifter

>suboptimal clavical insertions LMAO

OP got 15kg on you and doesn't beat your lifts and looks thicker even at his much taller height. not saying he's not natty but those lifts are low for his muscle mass, could just be a genetic outlier though.

>those lifts are low for his muscle mass
Some people just aren't strong, maybe its weaker bones or weaker tendons idk. My lifts are all slightly stronger than my brothers even though hes a lot bigger and more muscular than me

His physique is great but that squat is trash. That’s my max and I look way worse than him

Post body :)

Thank you bro truly means a lot.

I have bulked probably 7-8 times. The first few times I fucked up horribly. Started at 115lbs semi lean, and fell for the eat big to get big, GOMAD, calories in memes from here, bodybuilding.com, and tnation forums. In a desperate attempt to not be skinny I would legit eat 4000-5000 calories of pure junk. After school I would get 3-4 $1 McDoubles. I’d eat little cesars pizzas like every other day(2500 calories) and also stofers oven lasagnas. Those were my staples, and protein shakes. Got to like 180lbs in less than a year with so little muscle gain and so much fat.

Each bulk/cut cycle it got a little bit better. You will learn your body more from this cut and what not to do on your next bulk. Ideally if I were to bulk again, I’d do a small surplus, 1.25xg protein per lb bodyweight, medium-high carbs and the rest fat. Then slowly increase those calories and the increase coming from protein primarily and slowly carbs. Also would emphasize the importance of what you eat!! Some people can get away with IIFYM and junk, I am not one of those people. I need to eat straight bro foods(chicken, grass fed beef, eggs, basmati rice, oats/cream of rice, natural fruits and veggies) to see good physique progress and composition


arms are a bit small. otherwise fine

>zero food zero water flat af
You know you need to eat and drink right?

Mirin brah

do you drink alcohol?

You remind me of OCB back when OCB was OCB.
mirin, stay the natty path.