Literally how does this happen?

I really am at a loss.

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constantly shoving grease and sugar into their faces. all day long a consistent intake of grease and sugar.

This contradicts all reasoning and morality, fatties are truly mentally ill

Mental illness plus being surrounded by enablers

Not fit

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Are some people simply so clueless as to nutrition? I've already wrapped my head around it so maybe I struggle to appreciate how lost some people are in this area. Like earlier I made some chorizo-cannellini bean tomato stew thing (have by itself or with rice or on some bread; whatever). When I look at the fuckers in the OP I get the vibe these kind of people will think I've done something akin to performing magic for cooking rather than shoving processed shit down my gullet.

It's a bit of a chicken or the egg question when it comes to mental illness and obesity. See pic related? Well I've stalked furfags on the internet out of morbid curiosity and they are invariably fat fucks. Pic related is over 300lbs.

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What stops them from amputating these eldritch infested logs he calls "legs"

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Imagining whipping them with, well, an actual whip whilst he squeals like the pig that he is and flails impotently. Honestly, fat fuck fatty is so vulnerable. You could probably attempt to castrate him and there wouldn't be much he could do other than screech and convulse and jiggle (emphasis on 'attempt' as I don't know if it's even possible to execute such a thing whilst holding up and back his fleshy folds in order to expose his member). God, imagine amputing those legs, frying them up, and serving them to him as they are covered in gravy and with mashed potato after starving him for 90 minutes. The Lovecraftian flesh golem would gobble up his own flesh in his mad rush to satiate himself.

How many calories per day to maintain this???

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