Dog shit chest genetics

Anons how do I fix my shitty chest. I been lifting for 5 months, slowly transitioning to intermidiate stage. My bench sucks, cant get form right, feels uncomfartable. How do I make my chest to look better? I usually just flat bench. I have squat rack, barbell and flat bench seat. I am 6'2, 180lbs. My lifts are my for reps:
OHP - 120lbs
Bench - 170lbs
atg squat - 200lbs
dl: 300lbs

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shamess bump 2

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You are fine. This board is literally self hating to the extent of a teenage girl. You don't have "dog shit" genetics lmao

user thanks tor kinds words, but my bench does suck

Looks fine

just keep at it buddy

Benching 30 pounds less than you squat sounds pretty reasonable. I think you’re being hard on yourself.

Then do more incline bench press

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M8 i squat 200lbs more than i bench

I’m curious where you started but for 5months man honestly you’re doing really well. I’m really impressed with your shoulders and biceps. As for your chest just keep at it man. If upping your Bench is a goal try different bench variants. Example being you’re doing 5x5 or w/e regular bench maybe add in 3x6-8 of Spoto presses or an incline bench. Just keep being consistent man you got this.

nice gyno fag, also really bad genes

Yeah, 30 isn't bad. I was doing 20 for a while up until shooting up to 75 then 100 within a few months.
90% of benching is getting used to the movements.

That’s my point. His bench can’t be that weak if it’s 30 pounds less than his squat. If anything his squat is weak.

thanks frens
I did bouldering for a few months before lifting

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3 sets of 30 dips three times a week and it will be done

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My squat is really weak, but superisingly my glutes and legs are decent, prob genetics. Never did any leg releted sport in my life. Not homo, just for fit science

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Dont be a gimp. You've only been lifting for 5 months and you look okay.
Increase volume on chest. Also, eat more you lank

looking at your ass makes me homo desu

Have you tried benching with dumbbells? You won't be able to do as much weight but I got way better chest activation when I switched to them


No homo but very fucking hot

I would if I could get it. Everything sold out because of corona

Jest pit two chairs close and do dips there King, never give up in the search for gains

post body incel

holy shit you right user, will do thanks

>OHP - 120lbs
not with those twink shoulders

ironically, dog shit is full of fiber and protein remnants that they don't digest as well as we do. They also leave traces of test that are as high as some pure test you can get, thats why dogs are so muscular.
Bring a pot of lightly salted water to a boil and drop dog shit in there for 10-12 minutes (al dente), and drain it (reserve 1 cup of dog shit water)
Should be stiff and supple
leave the pot on the warm burner with the heat off, drizzle some olive oil
add some crushed tomatoes, garclic, red pepper flakes, oregano, and some honey (trust me on this cuts the shit taste)
bring the heat back on
wait for steam
add the shit
stir everything together
grate parmesan and some mozz on top
wait until it starts getting melty
add the cup of water
salt and pepper it
wait 2 minutes stirring occasionally

you sound like a teenage girl desu

You look fine, fix your body dismorphism man you'll never be happy that way