Reddit’s 5/3/1 for beginners!

>Reddit’s 5/3/1 for beginners!

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nice thread OP


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Is this really how 5/3/1 works? Do they not know how multiplication works? Why not just use lower percentages in the first place?

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Your training max starts off at 90% of 1RM. As you progress, the two become divorced from each other. TM becomes a lower % of 1RM if you get strong quickly, and it becomes a higher % of 1RM if you make slower progress

Big if true

spoiler alert: it's not true.

fact: scat fetishists are most often jewish

You're right. Beginners should progress daily, not monthly. They should do a full body split like Starting Strength.


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>PR (personal record)

3 sets of ten full body everyday no rest days because it's just a meme

>my 3 year fitness journey and transformation
>Edit: wow I didn’t expect this to take off!!

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>Mark Rippetoe

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Explain what is 5 3 1

Troll program shilled by dyels. Progresses once a month.

Decent program for people in actual sports that also has like 35+ variations.

>Decent program for people in actual sports that also has like 35+ variations.

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i just started doing it, you lift light on the main three sets every day but you're supposed to do supplemental training with lots of volume (usually 5x5 or 5x10 tacked on) and you only add weight after every 3 week cycle. also you're allowed like 50-100 reps of accessory work a day which usually means like one or two isolation exercises. i've enjoyed my first few days of it. way better than having fuckarounditis

the whole point is that sure its only 5lbs a month, but that's going to be a guaranteed 5lbs, which ends up being 60lbs a year. it's all about being in it for the long haul, infact the Creator recommends planning out like six cycles in advance (which is 18 weeks plus deload weeks). i think it's a much smarter philosophy than stalling out on a linear program & getting more and more frustrated. plus all the volume is gonna help me pack size on fast too

don't listen to retards that say you lift too light or not enough. they didn't read the program and don't understand it

Oh sounds awesome, think I’ll check it out. Can you post lifts so I can make sure this is sound advice?

>Madcow Intermediate

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every single person on /r/fitness
>315 lb squat for 5x5 sets
>165 lb bench for 2 reps

like seriously, wtf is with the disproportionate obsession over squats

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yeah i squat 340lbs and my legs are twigs. go read the subreddit incel

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>full body

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>yeah i squat 340lbs and my legs are twigs. go read the subreddit incel

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>nucleus overload

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