Do you think you could beat a neanderthal in hand to hand to hand combat?

Do you think you could beat a neanderthal in hand to hand to hand combat?

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it will rip your head off and eat you

no way they spent their lives fighting, they had denser bones and stronger muscles.
the neanderthal bodies they have found show a few really interesting things about their lifestyles. first of all, which I think is most important, they were buried with beautiful jewelry made of precious stones, dyes, and bone ornaments, lovingly wrapped in blankets in the fetal position, which shows they had a sense of aesthetics and deep emotional tyes to one another. The other thing is most of the males had healed bone breaks in patterns which are best replicated today by the skeletal damage of experienced bull riders.
So these fucks would very likely tackle their prey with some kind of simple flint knife and fight it until it died.
Brave, sensitive, tough dudes.

Maybe if it were a neanderthal that was locked in a padded cell its whole life so it never got to develop muscle properly or learn how to fight. Basically a NEET neanderthal. NEETanderthal if you will.

I think he would rip me apart even if I was MMA, boxing and krav maga champion all at the same time. Those fuckers killed wild animals with pointy sticks and rocks, don't fuck with them

I honestly don't think I'd be more skilled in wrestling than a Neanderthal, these dudes probably wrestled each other all the fucking time from childhood to death.

I'm Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt... I use his strength against him.

Fuck no. Neanderthals were stronger than Cro magnons. Also, people in general back then had much more testosterone back and they animal-like behavior. These guys would rip you to pieces just like a chimp would.

Depend if hes fed or not, if he isnt for a few days I might stand a chance, If he has eaten in the last 24hours no way Im fucking dead, they have retard strength

They could probably maintain good physical performance even after a few days. My lifts drop a tiny bit after a couple days of fasting and I've only been doing this for a year but they didn't their entire lives. Maybe a week of no food then you'd stand a chance.

most Neanderthals didn't look like that. Do whites remotely look like niggers? No. We got most of our finer features from Neanderthals. They were handsome and tall. The exception of the Amud type, which is what this picture depicts and was a later evolved branch.

Not only were they absurdly stronger due to denser muscles, they were also considerably smarter than sapiens. A lot of shit about Neanderthals has been purposedly covered up and destroyed. They knew how to make cheese, domesticate horses, sew clothes...
They were pretty much immune to most virus as well, while carrying a fuckload of them and other deadly bacterias.
They were unfortunately withdrawn and agoraphobic, only inhabiting in small villages at most.

They lost because sapiens were breeding machine on legs who could multiply like locust and chuck spears all at once by the hundreds, raining pointy sticks at the vastly outnumbered neanderthals.

I kinda wish I could go back and live with them for a few months

You would literally not be able to survive.

also this.


Neanderthals didn't have the muscle layout to properly throw or punch. Their fighting and hunting style relied on close quarter weapons and wrestling. These guys could crush every bones in your body just by grabbing you.

Nevertheless they were quite peaceful. If you didn't fuck with them and stayed at a distance they wouldn't go out their way to fuck with you.

Also had the earliest known examples of fitness equipment. Mammoth skulls found at preserved encampment sites were found inverted with wear patterns on the tusks indicating they were using them for dips. Giant sloth femurs were also found with a mud and wood mixture affixed to the ends, again with wear patterns associated with lifting exercises. Burial sites were uncovered with drinking vessels made of hollowed tusks with the residue of blood and brain present, indicating that these individuals were buried with their cherished protein imbibing vessel

Your fancy twink dancing wouldn't even faze that beast

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You would die within a few hours in horrible pain from the sheer amount of pathogens they carried.

They also didn't take kindly to outsiders. You might be able to trade with them or have basic pleasant interactions but they would never let you in.
Matriarchal too, in the sense that women regulated social behavior in the community and could chose to exile members.

I'd be more interested to see how a Neanderthal could handle himself in a concrete jungle like NYC... maybe he would flee to Central Park?

>breeding machines
With all the nut-busting, their testosterone must have been low as hell. Good thing we're better than that now.

please sauce on that it seems unbelievable

>africans never interacted with Neanderthals = ugly as fuck
>wypipo breed with Neanderthals = strongest race and prettier
this proves racemixing is good

Of course it's bull shit. Those fuckers lived for a living, not sit on their assess bitching about Jews and homos of the sexual or sapiens

because we are the product of sapiens raping neanderthals. We got a few good features left from them. Also after the lines between the half breeds and sapiens got muddied, those with more dominant neanderthal genes were generally favored in terms of reproduction. The industrial revolution changed that and now those with more sapiens genes are the ones doing most of the breeding.

So that's why they're extinct.

In the sense that a lower race can drag down a higher race to an average between the two.

So no, not really.

That allowed them to evolve to the state they did. Women are good at judging misfits and they would routinely exile the bottom of the barrels, slowly selecting out the bad genes.

don't compare modern day sapiens tinder sluts with neanderthal women. They are in a completely different category.

Probably not

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Maybe if they had been woke to the long nose tribe they wouldn't have gone extinct.

>sapiens raping neanderthals
lol no fucken way you retard, even if it was neanderthal female and sapien male the sapien man would stand no chance against a neanderchad female, theyre much stronger that sapien "males", also, only europeans/whites have neanderchad genes of as much as 6%, everyone else are 100 HOMOsapien
bro, neanderchads were smarter than homosapiens, so they COULD figure that out, BUT they had no use for useless workout, since they were sparse on food already, thats just a luxery humans have today because they dont have to hunt for their food and so on
neanderthals were far superior to sapiens, they were obviously 10x stronger, but also smarter and way more sick/climate resistant than sapiens

Does anyone else find it crazy to think that we almost ended up living on a planet with two different intelligent species?
Like you could be walking around with Orks and people right now basically, and their half breeds, if history was slightly different.

i can't stand the thought of living in a world like that. fuck that shit i'm glad they're dead

>Does anyone else find it crazy to think that we almost ended up living on a planet with two different intelligent species
They would just be categorized as humans too for political correctness purposes

way more human than boons and pajeets tho

>Does anyone else find it crazy to think that we almost ended up living on a planet with two different intelligent species
We would just be categorized as neanderthals too for political correctness purposes