What keeps you motivated bros... it all just feel so pointless

What keeps you motivated bros... it all just feel so pointless

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I have a pretty good face but have never been lean always mid 20s bf , now Im finally making it

why not post the webm if you want to make incels feel bad?

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The idea that I will one day get to suckle and smell the asshole of a girl like in the OP

she's so qt lads... and the guy is a skeletor

She's a 9, but I mean the fact that she recorded this makes her lose 8 points therefor landing at 1/10. You wouldn't want her as gf.
Also she'll cheat on her skellyboy in half a year.

she is pretty hot, with beautiful yes. but none of my porn or fap material has dudes. dudes are gross. only watch lezbo pron or chicks by themselves. now not that i am patrician, because i do simp. but i only simp for women, and only for the best

Never lift for a bitch guys, wtf are u doing

How does one “simp?”

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Then what is there to lift for?

send hot ethot money. go on and on about how hot they are in comment or dm


She looks like judy foster, I want to fuck her.

Name please. Please.

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lol this board is hopeless

been wondering what keeps Yas Forums motivated myself.

The primary reason I got into fitness and started working out/eating healthier was so I would be more attractive to women. But eventually it dawned on me that I'm too ugly, inside and out, to ever be attractive no matter how fit I get. Now it's tough to stay motivated. I still work out and eat right, but my heart isn't in it and I don't push myself as hard as I did before. It doesn't feel like there's any reason to put in the grueling effort required to get to "shredded" levels when I'm not going to get any payoff. At least not the payoff I want.

But the guy has a full head of hair, which women care a lot more about than muscle.

>But eventually it dawned on me that I'm too ugly, inside and out, to ever be attractive no matter how fit I get. Now it's tough to stay motivated.
>doesn't feel like there's any reason to put in the grueling effort required to get to "shredded" levels when I'm not going to get any payoff.
are you me

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I hope that someday I will look like I'm actually lift

let's face facts. the main reason most people work out is to be more attractive to the opposite sex. yes there are some people for whom lifting is a hobby or a game, where they try to see how high score they can reach, but for 95% of people, men and women, the only reason they're in the gym is to increase their sexual market value.

this stings user, why...

>for fun
>for health
>for strength
>for basic personal pride
Stop being such a weak minded faggot.
Hell even if you do get a girl through lifting (and I'm not holding my breath on that one) lift so you can replace her when she sends you packing...which she will.
I don't get you fucking losers. You always complain about not having a girl, but at the same time are presumptuous enough to assume any girl you do get you'll be able to keep.
It's like you're trying to simultaneously trying to play the incel/Chad cards both at once. Get your fucking head straightened out.

>I lift for women!
>It's not working though!
I have a genuine question for you, and for the 90% of Yas Forums who lifts for girls and then are somehow surprised when it doesn't work:
Why? Why did you think it would work? Do you not look around and see all the guys who get girls who don't lift? Or all the guys who do lift and don't get girls (many right here on this board).
I'm not saying don't lift. Far from it. What I'm saying is why exactly do all you people think you need to do it to get girls to begin with, and why do you think it's some kind of guarantee?
It's honestly baffling to me.

looks are the most important element of attraction (for men and women). being fit improves your looks. Simple as that.

never thought it was a guarantee, but did think that improving my looks might improve my attractiveness or interest from women. but there's some things that a fit body just can't make up for.

Here's the video.

On a more related note, just focus on yourself and stop comparing yourself to others. Shut yourself out from the outside world for a little bit and just think for yourself.

Several things you're not considering here:
Yes, being fit improves your looks, big time. However it is still only one component of looks. Muscles can only do so much to offset being an ugly slob. Not saying you are, I'm saying it's foolish to put all your eggs in the "lifting" basket.
Number 2, and again I don't know what you look like but when we say "just lift bro" it's shorthand for just lift, you know, EFFECTIVELY. In other words, actually look like you lift.
And number 3, even if you still look good you still have to to be able to talk to girls and ask them out. This is where the Yas Forums social autist truly crashes and burns.
You just can't sit back like a peacock and expect to be admired and approached for your looks.

brehs...his pp is smaller than mine, his arms are smaller than mine, he has a stupid gay beard


To clear my mind from the torture that daily life is.

Most likely because you are not her cocaine dealer.

The vision of my future wife and children, I must become worthy

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well duh. of course I know all that. who says that's all I do? Of course I try to "looksmax" as much as possible, not just by lifting. But even after all that effort the level of interest goes from zero to zero, I start to wonder why I'm even bothering.

anyway, the original question was about motivation. and my point is, it's hard to stay motivated to really push yourself to the limits when there's no payoff. I do like being strong and feeling healthy, so that's enough motivation to keep me steady, but not enough to push myself beyond that.

Im so lonely bros.

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This shit really makes me wonder, how does it feel to be with a girl that knows she's attractive, that knows she can get anything she wants from another man just because of her looks? These girls seem fucking scary to me honestly

Both numerals. It is over.

All the more reason to keep lifting hard.
If you get your own looks up to the level where you can do the same it evens up the playing field.