Bro just go to the gym

>bro just go to the gym
>bro just shave your head
>bro just take a shower
>bro just grow a beard
>bro just go outside and get some sun
>bro just stop giving a fuck, be confident, be tough, the pussy will come crawling to you

Yikes. It looks like Chad's advice was bullshit. I guess not everyone has a chance. Some guys are just screwed. Why do we keep lying to ugly people and telling them they have a chance? Is it to keep them from snapping and going on shooting sprees?

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He doesn't look confident.

Lmao fuck off OP.
The guy in pic related has a good body, he looks manly as fuck and i bet some women want to fuck him.

You have to actually do the advice given for a few years to see the results. Sorry you have no discipline OP.

How come when you search for "confident man" in Google physically attractive men come up. I thought confidence was about your personality not the face you were born with. Are they saying ugly people can't be confident?

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It's not about 'discipline'. Disparity exists and is part of life. We can all be experts but in our own specific feilds. By your logic encouraging someone with gender dysphoria to be discipline and determined will eventually make them the opposite gender. We are who are. Find out what we do best and go with it. We need to stop comparing and trying to be things that we are not. Im not saying don't better yourself, im saying know where your limits lie.

Have you actually done any of the things you mentioned, or do you justify your own laziness by scouring the internet for supposed evidence that it just won’t work? You can’t change your genetics. If you’re ugly, short, or have a bad frame, that’s life. Not much you can do about it. What you can do is max out your own potential. If you do that, you might not be supermodel tier, but you’ll be leagues ahead of faggots like you who just sit around and complain.

So I can be ugly and alone, but with a better body?

>bro you're just lazy and entitled. stop waiting for some miracle to happen to you. why don't you put in the work like i did. oh wait.

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Thats actual loser talk user. We're supposed to be supporting and encouraging each other.


>unless you're a 9/10 you should just kys lul

Yeah, I'm sure that's his problem

Picrel looks like my Mount and Blade character

You now realize that "confident" is just a synonym people use for "physically attractive".

delete this

Um yes?
Was building up your body ever supposed to guarantee you anything else?

Post body you faggot defeatist

How fucking disconected ya gotta be to srsly look up "confident men" on google ? Dont ya know what a confident man's like ?

Theres your incels problem- over rationalization of things. Being confident is an act, not a mental exercise you push through. Not giving a fuck is what it is, you don't learn it through books or youtube videos for fucks sake. These shits just happen on their own when all the elements are there. You don't force them. You don't push them. Stop being an overthinker faggot.

Question. Does this guy look confident to you? Most normies and women would say no, this isn't confidence, this is gross. But what he's doing actually requires guts and not giving a fuck.

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It’s about maximizing what you have, faggot. Different things will boost up different people but giving up instead of trying to improve yourself is a waste

This x1000
Every one of these fucks has a permanent defeatist aura.
They have such a pathetic mindset that they carry everywhere 24/7. Yet, they keep complaining that confidence is a meme.
How the fuck would they know?
In fact, its even worse. They're so blinded by their weak, pessimistic mentality that they dont see that their absolute lack of -confidence- is what keeps them in loser town

It's the scared puppy dog eyes giving it away.

I knew a guy back when I was in the army (39 yr old boomer here), and when he got out he got fat and grew tits. Not morbid obese, but love handles and man boobs out of shape mother fucker. He's also short, like 5'6".

The only thing on the surface you would think he had going for him is he's smart about money, not rich but he's comfortable.

This guy has a true case of not giving a fuck. He could care less about the approval of other people.

When you look at his face he has the Jack Nicholson thing going on. Like he's smirking at you through it all. In his eyes and eyebrows, he comes off as a very shady, like he's always planning some shit.

This guy was always king shit with women. His wife is like 23 or something and hot. He's had a lot of 3somes too.

I don't know how to tell someone to "just be shady". I think it's something you have or you don't but it trumps almost everything else.

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He just needs to lift more. He's just small so his head looks big.

He just needs to bulk out a bit. Beard either needs to go or grow longer. He's not that bad.

bro just have a life outside of shitposting on Yas Forums
work on something for yourself bro

Well, he's not giving a fuck, but there's an extent where you just looks crazy. There's a point of diminished returns to all things.

Put him in a flat-brim hat and maintain that beard better and I’d put money on him being able to get a decent pull of women.... still needs to build chest, lats and biceps to complete “the look” to the best of his ability.

Also looking more relaxed in pictures. It's hard to do that in a tensing everything up photo, so having ones where he looks more relaxed would help. Also, he needs to learn to approach and talk to women in public... when we can go out in public again.

he's got the face of a middle aged obese man but the body of a high school twink. it juxtapositioning

How many women have you slept with

Tim should own the beanies by wearing an outrageous new one every day. Like a giant rasta hat, then a German WWI helmet, then a baby bonnet, etc

Hey Genius, your local mental institution is full of gutsymen if that's your criteria.

looks like the guts are mandatory

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