Armm thread

armm thread
my arm is over 16 inches

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>15.75 inches cold flexed

Still looks small

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yeah but look at that wrist lmao


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because 15.75 is small
I have 16inch arms and don't feel like they're big at all.

Cheer up, user

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you must be very tall or being very generous with your measurements because that doesn't look right

i got 14.5 - 15 on pump
im 5' 6" so i think they look good proportionally

Never measured, first time posting. Hope it qualifies :D

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Gym has been closed for over 3 weeks now... how bad is it, brahs? 41.5 cm ~ 16 1/4 inches. Looks smaller, but only lost under 0.5cm, so I guess it's mostly in my head.

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18 inches, U mirin?

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How am I supposed to compete with you guys. My arms are 9.5" what am I gonna do. I'm sick of being seen as a little boy when I'm 20

You look really short. What's your height?

>U mirin?

Yeah, but you're not natty. Also, that picture is almost 4 years old

Dont turn your hand so much. It makes you look like a wristlet.

15 inches

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nice nips

only 15" :( I'm 5'5

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Stfu im 5'10 and mine are 9.5

have you tried lifting?

About 16,7 in freedomland unit.

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Those are better tiddies than my gf

No sir

15.25 without ever really working bicep, i mostly do chest back and legs

Get out of bed
Clean your room
Do some chin ups.

nice, i bet your gf would i something else than my chest tho

5'10 Manlet ceps are 40cm even

mine are still pretty bad

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Your prostate?

My 10 inch cock. Up her cunt. While you watch. When?

user, don’t lie, just show us your feminine penis already. Been teasing me through 3 threads now.

Also 16 inches.

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there you go boy

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