Why is it impossible to study and also look after your diet?

Why is it impossible to study and also look after your diet?
I can't concentrate without some snacks. If I work out I'm too tired to sit at my laptop and read shit and type shit. I have no motivation.

It's one or the other. University/College Education or get /fit

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nah, you were just lazy your whole life and now am trying to switch things up. Its pretty normal because literally almost everyone has this problem except for the actual people that got involved in sports during grade school while also keeping up their grades.
It takes time but you will get used to it too, just stick with it.

>Why is it impossible to study and also look after your diet?
It isn’t.

>I can't concentrate without some snacks.

lol yes you can, you just trained your brain to only study with snacks.

>but its haaaaaard and I don't liiiiike iiiiit

>University/College Education or get /fit

I graduated college with a 3.7 (protip: Literally no one gives a shit about grades unless you're applying for a fellowship in grad school) and ripped as fuark

1) lift in the mornings
2) study on the weeknights
3) party on the weekends

I don't know why kids with half their days free think they don't have enough time

And before you try to justify yourself, I did a BS in bio with a minor in math/comsci; you can pretend things were "harder" for you, but you either suck at studying or think spending 4 hours a day on the internet is a normal part of life and can't be changed

Bio is nothing compared to Chem. And Chem is nothing compared to CS(in terms of amount of work).
But Bio is the most interesting, Chem is the coolest, and right now CS is making me feel like an autistic fuck

>I don't know why kids with half their days free think they don't have enough time
They want to “live life”, whatever that means.

it means looking forward to what tomorrow is going to bring. As an adult, I already know what my whole week looks like and I dread it. That feeling of wanting to know whats going to happen tomorrow I can only get on vacation now and it sucks I can't have this every day.

I'm 27, I did college but now I'm doing online learning for muh career development.
I find myself copying pasta material and turning it in, so much I got caught for an assignment this year already.
Its too difficult as I get bored, want to eat snacks to relive that boredom then I'm a little bit better at concentrating to type a couple more sentences on my assignment.

ITT people who lack self-discipline, and who were brought up with bad habits like eating between meals.

“Living in the moment” sounds too feminine for me to enjoy. It’s just a bunch of unconnected memories without identity.
To each their own though.

Get help. You’re addicted, not bored.

>Bio is nothing compared to Chem. And Chem is nothing compared to CS(in terms of amount of work).
I assure you this is not true. I say this as someone who took maybe 70% of the CS classes needed for a major (minor + electives I went CS), who TA'd for CS classes, and had primarily CS friends in college. Their workload was about the same, and our labs (dissection/cellbio/whatever) took up more time. It's a nice theory that I don't know where it comes from, but its not true.

Same with Chem. Maybe physical chem was more daunting, but at the end of the day there was plenty of free time.

>Its too difficult as I get bored

Again, you've trained your brain that way.

>It's one or the other. University/College Education or get /fit
>it's impossible
Explain all the fit college students out there then.
Maybe it's not impossible. Maybe YOU just suck.

what did they do to get there? Do they have some strong mental state?
It doesn't help i'm 5'7 and thinning at the crown

lol ya it is

Because you apparently have the developmental age of a third grader.


>I can't concentrate without some snacks
then you're a bainlet, most smartass people I know forget about eating when they are studying, because all the energy is in their brains, not in their stomach like you

>I can't concentrate without some snacks.
Yes you can you fucking moron
I went through law school and kept my diet up
Oatmeal and 3 breakfast sausages for breakfast
Eggs and toast with cretons
Eggs and bacon

Make one weeks worth on sunday
Chili for the week
chicken breast with farro for the week
roast beef and string beans for the week (eye of round is dirt cheap)
Ground pork stir fry for the week

You have plenty of time for it

Stop making excuses

>I can't concentrate without some snacks. If I work out I'm too tired to sit at my laptop and read shit and type shit. I have no motivation.
Youre american arent you?

>It doesn't help i'm 5'7 and thinning at the crown
Youre a loser just give up

everyone on the internet is an american

if you live on campus it’s easy. Us commuters get pretty fucked though as we lose 30mins-an hour per day that could’ve gone to the gym

Can someone redpill me on studying? I was a lazy cunt at school and never did any further education, now im trying to do my A levels but im not sure how to proceed.

Do i just copy out the textbook and summarise it? Then answer questions and repeat until i know everything? Whats the optimal amount of studying? Is 2 hours of each subject a day a good amount?

if you get a study guide copy it to a word doc and go through each individual point from your notes/ textbook and type it out in that word doc. For math usually just homework reviews and practice problems

What is a study guide? I have a pdf of the textbooks for physics, maths and biology.

Try Feynman technique, understand a subject so good that you can teach it to someone else.
>Whats the optimal amount of studying?
Before studying, always make a plan on what you want to achieve, and it's okay to make baby steps (understand bits by bits)
Also the best scientists couldn't concentrate for more than 4 hours straight, personally I'm doing MSc degree and can do just 1 hour straight take a 10-15min rest and get another hour.

Good luck mate

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>Is 2 hours of each subject a day a good amount?
what I tried to say is that you don't count time when you study, but you make a goal to finish.
If you can finish it it 30min that's excellent, more time for you, if it takes you 8 hours, so be it.
the most important is to finish your goal.

for me I like reading through all the course material on the syllabus and write notes by hand as I do it.
Afterwords I read back through my notes and see if I understand everything and how it connects.
Take a practice exam if it is available after the first round, see how you did.
Go back through the material wherever you had a weakness, it means you had a gap in your notes.
If possible research the specific areas you showed weakness in and supplement your notes.
Take a second practice exam
Make an outline of the course material in an order that logically flows to you.
Take your notes from your notebook and type them out in the order that your outline is in.
Condense the notes
Good luck

usually at large public universities we’d get an outline of which subjects/concepts were gone over and might be on the exam

just be on perma bulk. if you're training hard, you wont get past 20% bodyfat (assuming you were not a fatass from the start)