The perfect woman doesn't exi

Post your perfect woman.

Don't be shy, we won't judge.

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Idk someone that gets me. I don’t want to even talk to her sometimes

I'm so lucky to be Italian. Our women are simply the best.

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palpate the putrescence


>not brown

They are hairy as fuck from my experience. It's the dark hair

esci il nome

slav women are superior in every single way you autistic frogfagging piece of shit

Nah only in certain places in the south

whats the @

my dead wife was the perfect woman

seethe harder ivan lmao

>slav women
ah yes the emotionless golddiggers who wont bat an eye and fuck you over the moment given an opportunity
the ones that hit the wall hard it their 30s and go from hot to babúshka
lmao seethe and cope

For me personally?
Not a slut. So unicorn territory.

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>autistic westcels actually believe this

Kill yourself you fucking paedo.

a perfect woman is and will always be a guy

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name I always forget




Somehow I very rarely come across really beautiful Italian women, she being the exception.

kys pewdiefag your wife looks and sounds like a fucking tranny
neck yourself

if they are so great how come they cant even pay their bills and need rich northerners like us to bail you siesta niggers out

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She's nice

I just want a sweet blonde haired, blue eyed, mousey woman I can care for that hates niggers as much as I do. Is that so much to ask?

>previously fat fujo
>got Yas Forums, became 10/10
>bf a manlet
it's always that one little thing....

>I just want a sweet blonde haired, blue eyed, mousey woman I can care for that hates niggers as much as I do. Is that so much to ask?

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not a westcel, as a pole
i dont "believe" this, i know it
you can stop the larp now

there needs to be a high waist bikini comeback
drives me nuts when my gf wears high waisted thongs

t. ugly polish incel who can't have sex

Perfect woman Is the one you have. >pic related. Me n my bitch

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double cringe italian nose-nigger cope


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Why are men better at being women than actual women?