My body is detorierating

>crow's feet
>knees hurt
>If I drink Coffe I have liquid poop 15 min after
>can't think as fast as I used to
>can't work out as often
>have become noticably shorter

Oh god How do I stop this, we need an /AGING GENERAL/ for old fags like me. Please help me compile some tips so I can start a thread regularly.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you drink a lot?

Cocaine, growth hormone, testosterone, modafinil, racetams

Nope. Only drank 2 bottles of whiskey and 20 beers my entire life I think.

I know this is a joke, considering that you started with cocaine. But I really suggest people don't take hgh or testosterone. I've heard that both increase risk of cancer significantly.

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>mixed grip

Jesus christ i would beat this kid if i ssw this in the middle of the night, fucking spooky looking ass kid

>not using rings
>not closing legs for core activation
>not holding neck in neutral position

The child deserves beating for incorrect form not for being scary.


I don't know what this research actually says, I would appreciate if some scientifically literate people translated for us.

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Male longevity in a nutshell:

>have testosteron
>be happy, strong but get cancer
>don't have testosterone
>kill yourself from depression, but no cancer.

i thought prostate cancer was easily treatable if found early. just hop on some test and go get your prostates checked yall

MAYBE Its because youre a faggot OP!

thought proveking statement, truly sage words.

>i thought prostate cancer was easily treatable if found early.

here is a direct quote from the article:
>Prostate cancer feeds off a man’s testosterone. We have known since the 1940s that drastically reducing the amount of testosterone can result in a decrease in prostate cancer. In an earlier era, this was achieved by literally castrating men, removing their testicles much like male dogs are neutered. Thankfully, we use medicine today (pills or shots) rather than barbaric surgery to reduce a man’s testosterone; prostate cancer specialists, however, still refer to the process as castration. And, when you think about it, that’s essentially what we are doing.

>scroll down
>nothing here about diet
What’s your diet, OP? That probably the most important thing

Why do you have that image saved to your computer????

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You didn't even try, did you?

>2 bottles of whiskey
>20 beers

Thats... really specific.

I get the same shit now that I'm 33. I still make gains and feel relatively fit, but I'm now aging so quickly, I can see and feel it. Metabolism is slowing down, more joint issues, skin looks old and tired. It's really taking a toll on me now.

that image is disgusting

here is my diet for the past 10 years or so:
>90 g of roasted peanuts (wash away the salt)
>110 g of mackrel in tomato sauce
>200 g rice (white) or bread (fullcorn dark flour, no sugar or yeast)
>25 g of olive oil
>300 g of vegetables
>100 g of fruit.
>1 cup of tea (15 grams of sugar, 75) kcal


time goes vrooooom

Hope you die
Disgusting pedo

lmao look at this fuckin dyel


Salt isn’t bad, buts are though, cut the bullshit rice and bread, eat more meat than just a little bit of fish. That’s a shitload of veggies and fruit. Like you’re eating a shitload of fiber, I cut my fiber drastically and pretty much eliminated my GI issues personally.

if you are noticably shorter at 35 you really need to see a doctor about that. like wtf.

if you eat mackrel every day you probably have severe mercury poisoning.
How can you be so retarded

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Sometimes you just have shitty genetics, you're not made for the rough world and shouldn't have kids

Part of the reason I stay hanging around Yas Forums is to see all you kids complaining about getting to adult ages.

>here baby, put this on your face and hang upside down right here for the camera.
>stick out your tongue and make your hair messy.
>"Haha this is what my daughter looks like after a month or quarentinerino. LOL kids are such a handful #coronavirus #staysafefacebook"

the world is lame as fuck

Not in norwegian mackrel. There are different types of mackrel and 110 g a day is very little.
Would have been hell with something like tuna though. Look it up, its not as bad as you say.

>eat more meat than just a little bit of fish
>activate your m-tor pathways goy; have some protein!

Give a listen to my man David Sinclair Phd. on how bad too much protein can be.

If they didn't do that I would have nothing to jerk off to. Bless the normie breeders.

Holy fuck I just search the image and this is literally what happened, you can tell because she's holding completely still for the image, if she was actually like that there be some motion blur.

What's worse is that the person who posted deleted it and people still saved the picture and posted it elsewhere

Attached: alfred.png (405x422, 181.75K)

testosterone doesn't increase the rate of cancer but if you have prostate cancer it COULD make it worse, and as for growth, it makes all cells grow if you already have cancer cells it will accelerate their growth too but if you don't have cancer it won't give you cancer

your issues are 100% from low hormones the only way you will rectify them is by taking replacements of those hormones or you will have to get used to withering away.

the fact you said you're mind is slower is already a massive red flag that your testosterone is low

stop being a scared faggot and get your hormones checked, when you have the results you can make a decision to either replace or let nature have it's way with you but at least you'll have an answer to why you're deteriorating

congrats you just derailed a decent, well hearted thread by posting an awful image

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>m tor is bad
>protein is bad
m tor is required for maintaing and building muscle, tendon and joint you fucking dumb nigger
what is your skin made out of? fucking collagen protein you FUCKING RETARD, stop spreading bullshit momscience on a fitness board
most people UNDEREAT protein and OVEREAT carbs and fats
the reason why people's skin loses its youthful look is due to a decrease in collagen protein content in the skin, and it is increased by eating more protein specially glycine rich protein.

if a deficiency is present then replacement is beneficial, if no deficiency is present then the benefits of increased height may not outweigh the possible side effects.
The study says the use of GH only increases the risk of leukemia if leukemia is already present and hints at the same for bone cancer.

I only skimmed it I aint reading a full journal for you, I have to do enough of that shit for uni

This study is also looking at kids with deficiencies, this WILL NOT apply to an adult that developed with normal levels even if they are deficient now at a later age

you can only take a conclusion from a paper in the exact context it was written. You can use it to make predictions for other situations but you would need to prove them

you're oblivious, get yourself checked. Atlantic mackerel has more than 1/3 the mercury pollutants of canned tuna (safest tuna).

I'm familiar with the guy he cited - David Sinclair. He conducted several experiments showing that mice with lower mTOR activation lead longer & healthier lives than mice with higher mTOR activation. AFAIK the experiment was with the same daily calorie & exercise regimen, only difference the protein / carbs ratio.
Of course this is early research on MICE, so you'd have to be retarded to change your diet because of it. Even more when it's sth so contrary to what every person knows.

>What's worse is that the person who posted deleted it and people still saved the picture and posted it elsewhere

I cannot stress this enough, holy fucking shit. How can people post their relatives and friends online, ESPECIALLY when they're this fucking young? Never in a million years would I post a picture of someone I know irl online for you faggots to look at, save, and distribute.

The fact that you associate OP's picture with the picture you posted is extremely concerning. And when I say concerning, I mean "seek therapy or kill yourself" concerning.

pedophiles must hang