Unmoggable, untouchable, unbeatable. The bloatlord physique trumps and surpasses all others. Can not understand why every lifter has not bloatmaxxed at this point.
Unmoggable, untouchable, unbeatable. The bloatlord physique trumps and surpasses all others...
Literal neanderthal tier.
That's just a height mog
>manlets btfo
Guy on the right would be unbelievably scary to try and fight. Absolute neanderthal.
Over a foot taller and heads are nearly the size of the smaller guys chest. Keep telling yourself that fat is good. If either of them guys cut down to a healthy bodyfat they would be godlike
lol do you even train? he would topple over with the slightest single leg, gas out in less than a minute.
You couldnt pick an easier fight.
>t. will die of Kung Flu
He isn't even a good fighter. He is fucking strong, but moves slow as hell and doesn't know how to throw a punch. Nice and wholesome guy though.
Thank for posting this user. Smug ass autistic anime fed idiots thinking they can naruto run around their opponent before he just catches you and start bashing your head on the sidewalk.
Have you ever watched these guys move around? They practically get out of breath just getting into position to bench.
Worked for dark souls, why not
They have one thing to do, it's grappling you by the collar and throw you over their shoulders. They don't even have to move, just standing there getting their legs kicked by a faggot and laughing at you waiting for the right moment to grab yours testicles and crush them
>getting their legs kicked by a faggot
No amount of fat or weight changes the force need to snap a knee joint.
The middle guy would literally fit inside bloatlord’s arm
Implying you have that force
There was one time, when I was younger. Maybe 15. My father and I got into an argument, I weight maybe 110 he was 200 easy. He block door of me, so I kick his leg. Look up and father look at me as if I didn't do any thing.
This is now fighting big man will be, you do not have the mass to push 400 pound person around.
Maybe a fatty, but he is not fatty he squats 800 pounds plus his 400 pound body so each of his legs can effectively produce 600 pounds of force each. Your not going to win, weight classes exist for reasons.
When I look at the bloatlord on the right I hear "Ready to get punked bitch!"
>your knees don't get stronger when you skwat 800 kg
Yeah but no
I know they do. But realistically all it takes for an argument to turn into a fight is a short distance between you and him and some stupid faggotry. Anyway with that much mass on you can't even hope to harm him unarmed, coming close enough to throw a punch is just asking to get grabbed and mauled
That's bullshit. Having your kneecaps encased in strong and stabilitating muscles makes a difference.
T. Serious kness injury recoverer
to be fair, not quite the same but in the early days of UFC when they had different martial arts disciplines a 600-pound sumo wrestler lost to a 180-pound karate black belt who basically just evaded the big guy until he got gassed.
This barely literate chimpanzee is right.
In a real fight the Bloatlord crushes all.
I don’t see the problem