Mike Tyson's strength routine under Cus D'Amato:

Mike Tyson's strength routine under Cus D'Amato:

>5PM: 2000 sit-ups, 500-800 dips, 500 press-ups, 500 shrugs with a 30kg barbell, and 10 mins of neck exercises

How the fuck did he get so big doing only bodyweight exercises? He only began to use weights more after prison from what I read. With this whole quarantine stuff going on I'm pretty tempted to try and work my way up and see if that amount of bodyweight work will have decent results

Attached: MTyson.jpg (602x887, 100.67K)

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Roids and freak genetics

Weakling. I could beat up Tyson anyday

this. he's like 5'10 and im 6'3 200 lbs, i could beat him easily because of the height difference.

He was a genetic freak, when Cus took him off the streets in his early teens he was already well over 170lbs, that too of mostly muscle.

Think again

he's skinny tho, im more fit.

that's not the chest of someone who only did bodyweight dips

This is how.

Attached: 62k7s1yeenLZza9mLZTT2k2nJYd0Je17ORtBd61LIZc.jpg (960x850, 105.82K)

crazy 0.000001% freak genetics and roids probably too

what makes this so crazy is that even at 13 he looks better than most guys who roid as an adult

For some reason (white) people love denying the fact that some are just *that* much genetically gifted. Explaining everything away with "roids" or "he's lying" doesn't change the fact that you'd never look like him or be that athletic in that time frame even with roids.

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Teddy Atlas said when he met him at 12 years old he was 190lbs. Tyson is a genetic freak

that's a can of worms I wouldn't be so quick to open

Hes a genetic freak + he was roiding

You’re better off doing a high volume calisthenics routine then that garbage which is probably not even true. Also like everyone else said, roids. You could probably play ping pong on roids and still build some muscle.

Bruh, he barely even got hit, doesn’t matter how strong or tall you are if you can’t even fucking hit him

What does the ping pong physique look like

This is Wang Liqin. One of the few actually fit players.

Attached: C67C29DF-05BF-4EA7-9664-1A0C01780108.jpg (450x681, 39.85K)

Tyson had freak genetics and a hard life. D’Amato also trained the fuck out of him. During this quarantine I’ve done more calisthenics than I used to and I’m starting to see more progress, I would work more of that into your routine

adama is so fucking jacked

he claims to not do weights too

The height difference between me and Tyson is so large I could put him in a choke and he still couldn't reach me.

>some are just *that* much genetically gifted
There was a guy in my high school who could gain a ridiculous amount of muscle taken into account how little he trained.

Probably your normal routine is just shit tbqh

>For some reason (white) people love denying the fact that some are just *that* much genetically gifted
Yeah negros were carefully selected and inbreed so they could be better slaves
Meanwhile, niggers also have lower intelligence because of their "blessed" genes

Tyson was the definition of genetic roid freak. His muscle/punching power in his prime was beyond that of many very hard training boxers at the time.

Combining the freak genetics with training made him an impressive boxing monster.

>this retarded cope again
Don't worry Jerry, just 10 more years of roiding and lifting till you're brave enough to walk past black teenagers in the street without pissing your pants.

What's your calisthenics routine like?

You should go out more. Most of them are skinny dyels just like the people of any other race. They just have lower IQ generally.

or fat fucks if you live in murica

As said earlier, roids and genetics.
He's ultra stocky with a short neck, so the shit load of muscle he had were packed tightly on his short frame.

Cus was an old stubborn boomer who wasn't as good as a boxing coach as people were led to believe and he believed old schools myth about physical conditioning.

lmao him at 13 is like white at 48

White people make up most of the strongest people on the planet with little competition from other races. Whites are the tallest, the fittest race of all. Kiss my foot, Asian boy.