Isn't it hypocrite to call the first mental illness while worshiping the other like some loud minority here doing? Should we treat varbies worshipers the same? Why threads about them not getting deleted?
What's the difference between trannies and women on var/roids?
Well trannies generally have a penis user
is the penis feminine though?
because they're not trannsexual, their goal isn't to look like men, they don't dress like men, they don't cut off their tits
Guys who are into varbies are at least 6/10 on the liking men scale, like mtfs are less gay
And? They express the same mentally ill behavior, You think with your dick user.
I believe that the only thing that prevent (some) varbies/roided women from expressing very masculine behaviors is social pressure, Men generally are far more immune to shame, Almost all women let others define their life and goals.
why do you care so much about what kind of fetish a small number of people on some fitness forum have? that is autistic as fuck
Okay, tranny fucker.
The difference between trannies and varbies is that varbies dont have to look like woman for me to crank my dick to them.
one is mentally disable
Nah would never fuck a tranny for simple reason that I don’t want to stick my dick in ass, I like pussy. Varbies just look like men, at least some mtfs are pleasant to look at lol
chromosomes, user.
Because they stink this board with their fetish threads and mods don't delete them in opposite to trap threads
Unironically believe that genitals have less to to with attraction and sexual orientation than body and face shape.
I do consider guys who like massive jawline huge clit roided women more gay than tranny lovers, as weird as it sounds.
How varbies and women on trens aren't? They literally take male hormones.
You don't make any sense desu, Are you said fetishists by a chance?
When you break down your arguments the only "valid" thing that left is that it's okay for women to express themselves as manly because being a man is superior and attempting to become female (which many on this board consider as weak, inferior etc) is a disgraceful and "irrational" thing.
They are kind of fitness related though. Women on steroids is fitness related.
Off cycle Stefi is still cute and feminine.
She is unfuckable at any stage.
There is no such thing as a male or female hormone
geee i wonder what estrogens and testosterone may be
does a man have estrogen? does a female have testosterone?
world isn't black and white like your mutt parents, retard.
>does a man have estrogen? does a female have testosterone?
>world isn't black and white like your mutt parents, retard.
Found the culture engineer. Out with biology in with 'MAH FEELS".....
delusional tryhard midwit. shut the fuck up peasant.
Compare pic in OP to pic related. Varbies work hard, trannies are disgusting degenerates.
I am 9 days into NoFap and absolutely have a fetish for muscular women and I wouldn't touch her with a barge pole.
Found a better picture of your girl, OP. Her name is Michelle Innes.
Check out the photos on the right to make Yas Forums quack with gay rage.
Mad some kike has a mutt? Lol
lmao build for bbc is not a meme
>shingeki no kyojin mode
It is interesting in that mtfs are on female hormones, literally pumped full of estrogen to the point where their pheremones change and vice versa for female roiders, YET only one of these is seen as gay to want to fuck.