Give anons life advice/ discuss life advice
Easton Morgan
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Matthew Nguyen
your worst enemy is that voice inside your head that says you are not good enough
Easton Ramirez
if you dont have abs you aint shit
Evan Gutierrez
Caleb Long
why does he do that tho.
Evan Rogers
Every now and then cheat on your girlfriend and don't tell anyone. It will keep your relationship fresh and the guilt will make you love her more.
Cooper Carter
You can easily get away with murder if you walk around a large city at night in areas with few cameras in dark clothes and wait for a drunk or a homeless guy to stumble towards you.
Andrew Harris
how do i be a chad with a small dick
Benjamin Hall
tell them it feels big in their ASS!
Alexander Fisher
One good right hook to the head, and then there's red mist.