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do dips instead

>not natural
What did he mean by this?


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if you bench the natty police will revoke your natty card

too bad bench pressing is unironically safer than deadlifting...unless you drop it on your ribs

im gonna call pussies fakes from now on

He's not wrong. Bench is the shittiest lift after deads

Been benching 3-4 years, 225, 315, 365 then boom 375. However i decided to do deadlifts for the first time in 3 months, 225, 275, 315, 365 and then boom blood starts dripping down my pants. I had no clue wtf was going on so i twisted my body while looking in the mirror and saw it had been coming from my ass. The gym qt hs blonde chick asked me i was alright before having to take a seat on the floor since the sight of blood made her woozy. I rushed back to the locker room and grabbed some tp, turns out it was a fucking hemorrhoid. Turns out deadlifting caused more pressure inside my abdomen to build up, resulting in the hemorrhoid.

uh hello? Based department?

Depends on your bio-mechanics and structure.

My chest blew up from flat benching.

Other guys get betters results from dips and flys. My stepfather is "lib dominant" guy with narrow clavicles but large arms and legs. His triceps grew off flat benching, but not much else. When he dropped it for dips and flys they respond much better.

Can someone tell this retard that he is fucking up his spine more by doing Sumo lifts instead of bench.
I honestly don't know why people follow this guy

Aside from bench causing more injuries than any other lift, I can bench a considerable amount, 2pl8lmao for 10 reps, but bench has been the only thing that has left lasting injuries on me because of the natural impingement of the shoulder that takes place on a flat bench. I do see the usefulness of it, but it is a lot of risk if not done with very solid form, I prefer the press instead nowadays

Benching is the most fun exercise besides using the assisted pullup machine at the highest weight and bouncing around like a monkey

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He means you can’t big by benching without steroids

(((you can't get big benching without steroids goy)))

Sumo is the correct way to deadlift.

If it was unnatural, how come I capable of doing it?

I will punch you in the fucking eye

It's not a natural movement, which leads to shoulder injury

Jesus he's like a guy who's been on Starting Strength for 2 months...but Rippetoe even recommends the Bench Press!

Based. Fuck b*nch
OHP chads rise up


What a muskrat

He's got good idea(s), but he's very far up his own ass and refuses to acknowledge his blindness to reality when it comes to how useless his own business actually is from a statistical sense

That said, I do like the way he rips into nate silver

He's not Jewish, he's Arab

You'd snap your standard dl ruined spine just winding up. Learn to lift naturally.

if you train legs, you're a faggot and i bullied you in high school
ONLY bench and strict pressing allowed on this board

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It doesn't correspond to any purposeful exertion of strength.

that's because you've never punched someone

Sumo grip is best grip because you can lift more. I alternate between the two though so that my functional strength can be more well rounded. Sometimes in life, you have to summon your physical strength in non-gym ways. So while I did lift the typical compound and muscle focused lifts, I also invented my own and did things like walk around in my back yard while holding the squat bar with weights.

Hell I had one lift that was cardio intensive and kind of hit everything. I'd start it off doing a standard deadlift, then from that position I pull it up to my neck to position it for an overhead press. I'd press it, spread my legs a little, and do a full squat while holding up the press. Then once the squat is complete, I'd bring it back down to my neck, then to my waist, and finish the dead lift.

Someone once told me that it's like an Olympian lift, but I didn't get inspiration for this lift and they utilize technique where as in mine it's more like a merger of compound lifts. Like a 7 step lift where as theirs appears like a single burst of fluid motion. Mine has breaks between the steps. The point is to work the body for functional strength. Not to utilize technique like the Olympians do. Let's put it this way, I don't throw the weight over my head and drop rapidly nor do my feet ever leave the ground.

okay johnny bravo. I'm the guy you couldn't tackle with 3 other kids because of my legs. I still did presses as well, I bet that pisses you off, triangle. Rectangle > than triangle every time.

i don't live in muttistan mate LMAO
feel free to showcase the carryover of your power-bottom lifts to the ring though

I don't fight in rings and it's quite wonderful for curb stomping.

>quite wonderful for curb stomping
something you've never done because you're a coping autist that fell for the rippletits meme
at least your boyfriend enjoys your new "physique"