Nootropics Thread

What are your real life limitless pills? Lets fucking talks nootropics

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I used to smoke meth if that counts

That was years ago though; only thing I even bother touching is ashwaganda or coffee (but never both in the same day)

Inb4 sudden RC benzo addiction

Phenibut but like a lot higher dosage than what everyone recommends
It's like being on a little molly without being obviously high to everyone

Fellow Phenibut user here- what dosage are you suggesting?

how easy or hard is it to obtain modafinil?

Op here, I've wondered this as well

Where can you find it online? Like legit sources and not some chink scam

I take vitamin c 10 grams a day

>It's like being on a little molly without being obviously high to everyone
Lmfao. Not even CLOSE. What are you 12?


thats what the last girl who saw you naked thought

meanwhile, I got that vitamin Ceenus penis

tolerance builds quickly. also very addicting, long term damage of mechanism of action unknown, as well as some possible strong withdrawals.

just be careful boys, its banned here cuz some teenagers listened to the forums and OD'd on it

Modafinil, dexamphetamine, etc

Op back again, dunno if these drugs effect trans people differently?

Pycnogenol and a b vitamin
Or adderall

>adderall, caffeine, l-theanine and LSD

holy shit fuck you retard
why the fuck would they affect trans ppl differently
u just want to bring up how your trans
heres your (YOU) attention whore

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I'm embarassed that I share a board with you "people"

Not the guy you’re replying to, but I feel the same way and I’ve done every kind of drug before. A lot of people report feeling the same at high dosage

I have a script for Dextroamphetamine.

Just smoke some DMT and get over it

Jokes on you no girl has seen me naked

I'm addicted to caffeine and kratom. It sucks.

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go away Linus Pauling

You've never actually done real MDMA then. Phenibut feels like a shitty benzo at all dosages. Either your getting some other rc that's not phenibut or you've never done MDMA or even MDA ever. I promise you you are so wrong it's laughable.

"Give me your sources" The Thread
>OP pic related

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fuck off you faggot kike niger

>nicotine infused toothpicks, getting organic snus in the mail soon
>lion's mane
>vit. C

ephedrine hcl, godlike focus
bonus points for combining with caffeine and ecgc for dere otterino modo

Coffee and cigarettes

"I've done better drugs than you have, faggot. lmao your dumb."

ironically used the wrong you're