ENFP-T checking in
Myers Briggs: Fit edition
ENTJ master race
I used to be ENTP-A
INTP kill me now
Unhealthy INFJ
Intp-A checking in
ISTP. Everyone else talks, I get shit done.
INTJ-P reporting in
This lockdown’s driving me nuts
INTP master race
>Unhealthy INFJ
What's that? I'm an INFJ as well, btw.
Daily reminder that if you're "sensing" you're a NPC.
Pardon my French but... what le fuck does this have to do with fitness?
Being a idealist is tiresome.
INFP-A calling in
Being in touch with reality via actual perceptiveness makes me an NPC? This sounds like cope from nerds who cannot actually accomplish anything
>be infp
>the lady ENTJ
The power dynamics are HOT af.
Druid masterrace
I have taken it multiple times, either get ISTP or INFP depending on the test. Have gotten INTP before too. How is that interpreted?
INFJ #3 reporting in. I've rarely ever seen one posting in these threads. I agree that my soul becomes increasingly tired as the days slide by and people's standards slide further and further down.
Not asking "why" makes you a npc, yes.
ESTJ, Used to be ENTJ wtf
INTJ king checking in
I tested as an INFJ my whole life, but in the past year I've morphed into an INFP. Way comfier desu senpai.
same man, i think me being more outgoing changed my shit or these are severly inaccurate
>Bad with people
>Hate technology
What the fuck do I do? I just want to live out in the woods one day
I mean, my results definitely vary depending on my mood. I've taken the test a couple times a year for over a decade. Was always an INFJ without fail. The last few years were transformative for me and it had a huge impact on my outlook. I guess when I decided to quit being such an uptight mysterious faggot and became the fairy princess I was destined to be things got better. Definitely more content with life now and excited for the future.
this is what is happening with me rn. Im glad to hear things are getting better for you user