Old thread was at bump limit.
Link to previous thread: What is the optimal price range for a barbell? Cheap ones are shit and the super high quality ones are 300+ easy but I rarely go above 400 lbs on my lifts
my pull up negatives are nice and smooth but at the bottom of them I drop down into a deadhang rather than smoothly transition. How do I fix this? Scapular pulls?
Parrot makes it
How much do I need to lift to obtain a cute gf. I am serious.
The first time I had coffee was five years ago and it was a wonder drug. I got a rush of energy.
After five years of about three cups a day it does nothing and actually makes me tired it seems. I was also getting dizzy spells from even brief moments in the sun.
I stop drinking any coffee and suffer withdrawal for a week or so. But no more dizzy spells. And I have more energy in general.
Why would this be? I can't find anything on coffee causing this kind of shit.
Got use to the caffeine. Also you were suffering from caffine withdrawals. I was working graveyard drinking monster ultra every shift, when I stayed home the first week I was having caffine headaches.
How can I train my back effectively on bodyweight? There's nowhere around for me to do pull ups (already broke a window frame and a door trying it), and rows aren't doing it for me.
Reverse rows maybe?
With every other muscle you can see before after pictures, untrained, intermediate, trained, to the point I can look at myself and guess what I'll look like as I progress. Except with abs. How do abs change as you train and bulk up? Do they get wider? Thicker? Stick out more? Are any of those determined by genetics or affected by how I train those?
home routine to make glute gains as a gril?